Health Benefits of Organizing Your Home

Are you one of those people who would love to have an organized home but could use some help? Or do you think it really doesn’t matter about being organized? Having your home in good shape is not about bragging rights as there are many health benefits of organizing your home.

Here is a list of a few of the health benefits for organizing your home:

Able to Find Items Quickly!

There is nothing worse than looking for something and not being able to find it right away. This can be a huge time waster.

It leads to frustration and even anger adding more stress to your life. This is not healthy!

When items are put back in the same place all the time, you can easily find what you are looking for in a timely manner.

It can be very frustrating having a screaming child wanting their favorite toy and you can’t find it.

If their toys are put back into toy bins, then you are less likely to feel frustrated. Also, your child won’t have to have a temper tantrum because they can retrieve the toy themselves.

Reducing Stress

When we are surrounded by unorganized clutter our brain reacts in a way that is similar to trauma.

In fact, our brains find clutter stressful and it responds with some very negative feelings such as anger, depression, or frustration.

Your Family is Healthier and Happier

Organizing Your HomeThe problem with clutter is it is hard to clean around. As a result, dust and dirt accumulate on all the surfaces leading to a somewhat unhealthy environment.

As well, if you have pets, their hair can find its way around your home and setting family members up to having allergies.

Another huge problem is the possibility of bugs. Certain bugs such as silverfish can start spreading through your home in books or paper clutter.

You probably have seen the hoarder shows where vermin such as cockroaches or mice have ended up nesting in clutter.

Cleaning your home goes hand in hand with organizing. You need to do both.

When you get your home organized you minimize the possibility of unhealthy living conditions.

As well, a well-organized home helps you be able to provide meals. When you are organized and plan your family’s meals, the meals are more likely to be a lot healthier.

You won’t have to grab something last minute or order fast food delivery.

Inviting People to Your Home

If you are hesitant to have people come over because of a messy house you are probably not as social as you might want to be.

If you are ashamed of your home, you are not going to want to ask other family members or friends to come for a visit.

Finding Some Spare Time

We all want to have some spare time in our day to do whatever we want to do. When we have a well-organized home, we are less bogged down by all the clutter and as a result, have more leisure time.

With more time we can spend enjoying time with our family and less time tackling the mess.

One reason to have an organized house is being able to do pleasurable things even if that is spending time reading a book.

And when you have more time for the things you like to do, you will end up finding the health benefits of organizing your home.

How to Get Organized and Stay Organized

There is nothing more frustrating than getting your home organized and then watching the clutter accumulate again!

Yes, it is great to get organized, but it is going to take some effort to stay organized. You will need to approach each day with the idea of staying organized.

The best way to do this is to get into a habit of how you will keep everything organized.

By having a plan, you can be successful in this area.

Adapt as a Family

You are going to have to adapt some methods to keep the house organized that might change over time.

Organizing Your HomeYou don’t have to be rigid about your organizational skills as you will probably abandon the task.

Also, you don’t want to end up having you and your family resentful of the task.

It only makes sense that you update how you organize the home from time to time. Things change as children grow or you change your job or other changes occur in the home.

Here are a few tips on how to get organized:

Use Toy Bins: this is a great way to organize toys and other items for the children. You can keep art supplies in one bin. Or books and magazines in another bin.

There is a lot of flexibility here as you can update the bins over time or replace them when they get old and damaged.

Get Rid of Old Item When Bringing in a New Similar Item: This is a great idea when you are buying clothes for children. As they grow so do the size they need.

By getting rid of older clothes that are not their size anymore, you allow room for the new stuff.

Give Children Responsibility: As well, as your children grow, their responsibility for keeping their items organized will also grow. You can begin by delegating tasks and then letting them do it their way.

Make Sure to Personalize Your Organization Methods: You need to be aware that how someone else organizes their home, may not work for you and your family.

Your method of organizing should be natural for your lifestyle. You need to be comfortable with it otherwise you won’t be able to keep it up.

How Much Space Do You Need: The amount of space you need is going to change over time. Young children may take up more space with their toys and books.

When they become teens, they may need more personal space. As well, as an adult, you may need more space if you end up working from home for instance.

Just be ready to make adjustments over time so that how you organize your home fits your family’s needs.

Organizing Your Home Room by Room

The best way to get organized and stay that way is to start with one room first. Since each room has a specific use, you should be able to make sure the items in that room belong there.

In order to keep up with your organization over time, you might want to assign a room to a certain day.

For instance, if you want to have your family room or living room clean and organized for the weekend, you might take care of the clutter on Friday.

When you have a plan you will be more successful in keeping the clutter at bay.

Organizing the Bathroom:

organizing your homeIf your family shares a bathroom, you might want to get bins for each family member to keep their items in such as toiletries or hairbrushes.

You can store the bins in the cupboard under the sink or even have shelves where the bins can be stored and are visible. Putting each family member’s name on the bins is a great idea.

You can even have hanging baskets in the shower for their soap or shampoo.

To further organize the bathroom why not assign a different color for towels to your family members. If that isn’t doable, then have a hook or rack for each member.

Organizing the Kitchen:

The kitchen is probably one of the rooms that is going to take the most organizing. However, this room is going to be an important one since it can save you time when making meals.

One way to start is by deciding if an appliance you haven’t used in over a year is necessary or should be given away.

If you have room for storing small appliances you might want to keep them otherwise, it is taking up valuable space.

If you use certain spices or sauces on a regular basis when cooking, you might want to have them out on the counter.

There is nothing worse than trying to find the salt and it’s not there in front of you when you are cooking.

Organizing the Bedrooms:

If you have kids, this is probably going to be a bit challenging. However, having bins for toys, etc is a good idea.

There are bins for under-the-bed storage which are great for magazines, books, or toys.

Even adults can use under-the-bed storage for out-of-season clothes or extra bedding.

Have a dresser or chest of drawers in the bedroom so that small items can be tucked away.

Another good idea is organizing the closet with different levels of racks so that short items can be hung in a double row. This is a great space saver.

Organizing the Living or Family Room:

This is one room that can get clutter pretty quickly. If you have DVDs, magazines, books, and other items you use all the time, consider finding boxes or bins for them.

For magazines, you can always get a rack so that they don’t pile up.

Instead of throwing out old magazines consider giving them away to your doctor or dentist for their patients to read while they are waiting.

The Psychological Benefits Behind An Organized Space Video:

Final Thoughts:

Did you figure if you are the type of person who wants to have an organized home, or does it not really matter?

It is a good way to get rid of the frustration that leads to stress when we are better organized. When we get rid of the clutter, we have a better chance of being able to create the best life.

As a result, you will see the many health benefits of organizing your home.