How to Start Your Day Motivated

Would you like to start your day motivated, full of energy, and organized? Wouldn’t that be great? You would know what you needed to do for the day, and you wouldn’t be wasting time and energy.

In fact, it wouldn’t take a lot to have a great start to your day, every day. How do you do this? You just need to create a morning routine that sets you up for success for the day.

Anyone who is successful in life and in business will tell you the secrets of their success is having a morning routine.

You don’t have to set up a complex plan of action, you need to create a routine that you will be able to follow.

Start your day motivatedIn the beginning, it will require you to make a commitment that you will follow on a daily basis.

You will need to do this until it becomes a habit and you no longer have to think about following it.

Start your day motivated with some of the elements that successful and organized people use in their morning routine:

Get an Early Start

You need to get up when the alarm goes off and resist hitting the snooze buttons.

One way to be successful is to set your alarm for an hour or two earlier than you would normally get up.

When you get an early start to your day, you will find you have more time for doing what needs to be done in the day.

It probably won’t come naturally at first to get up earlier than you used to do, but if you go to bed a bit earlier you won’t notice any difference.

Practice Positive Affirmations and Visualizations

This is a great way to set the tone for your day by giving yourself a positive boost since you will start your day motivated.

You will want to visualize your success each morning.

Also, use positive affirmations, and don’t forget to display them where you will be able to see them frequently.

Use post-it notes and stick them to the bathroom mirror.

If you do this in the first twenty or thirty minutes when you get up, you will have a greater chance of success.

Doing this helps these thoughts to reach your subconscious before your conscious mind gets a chance to wake up.

It is our subconscious mind that works towards getting what we want out of life.

Exercise in the Morning

Start your day motivatedExercising first thing in the morning not only gets your blood flowing as well as getting more oxygen into your body, but it wakes up your whole body.

Also, when we exercise in the morning you don’t have to worry about getting exercising later in the day when you may run out of time.

Exercise doesn’t have to be a big deal. You don’t need to do a marathon.

A simple bit of stretching or doing yoga exercises or even Tai Chi is a great way to start the day.

These exercises will help start your day motivated and will help ground you.

As well, they can give you the kickstart you need for a successful day.

Remember to Hydrate!

It is a good idea to have a glass of water first thing in the morning. Some people swear by water with lemon juice.

If that is not your thing, then have some herbal tea or even green juice.

Having some liquid first thing will help your start your day off on the right foot and keep you hydrated.

Plan Your Day

You won’t have a successful day without a little planning as well it is a great way to start your day motivated.

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

You can just jot down on a piece of paper all the things you want to accomplish during the day and then check them off as they are completed.

One way to make this list more successful is to identify their order of priority.

Also, don’t make the list too long.

Ten items should be a good idea as more might overwhelm you and you run the risk of not getting anything done on the list.

Start the Day with Breakfast

We all know the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Having something to eat in the morning is a good way to fuel the body and it gets ready to tackle the day ahead.

You may also find that you are more alert and therefore able to concentrate on the tasks you have set for yourself to complete.

Start the Day with an Inspiration Read

Another good idea on how to start your day motivated is to take a few minutes and read something inspirational or educational.

This is a great way to motivate yourself and start the day with a positive attitude.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time in the morning. Try ten or fifteen minutes.

The idea is to get your mind working and kickstart your motivation.

There are self-help books or biographies you could read or even auto-biographies of successful people.

Anything that could help to inspire you and get some inspiration from successful people.

Finding Ways to Increase Your Finances

You could start your day by taking a look at ways that you could find some extra money. O even find new ways on how to save your money.

One good way is to make a plan to prep the day’s meals. No one wants to come home for dinner tired and having no idea what to make for dinner.

Also, you don’t want to have to order food as this can be a budget breaker. Also, it is not as healthy as when you make a meal yourself.

If you have a slow cooker you can prepare dinner while at work. Just add ingredients and set the timer.

When you come home, you will have a hot meal.

Another task to complete before you leave for work is to make sure the dishwasher and loaded and turned on.

Now you will have clean dishes when you come home.

Take some time to clean up the kitchen, make the bed and do some general tidying.

The “1-Billion Dollar Morning Routine” – Habits of the World’s Most Successful People Video:

Final Thoughts:

If you are looking to have a successful day, you will want to make sure you start the day on a positive note.

When you have a morning routine, you will be able to make sure your day is organized for success and you will be able to create the best life.

Start your day motivated and see how much more successful you are in getting things done.

Start Your Day Motivated