9 Tips for Staying Organized Every Day

Staying OrganizedStaying organized should be a way of life for you and second nature. This way, it becomes a habit rather than a nuisance.

Of course, it takes time and work to develop the habit in the first place, but once you have it, you want to keep it.

These nine ideas will help you stay organized every day with minimal effort.

1. Check Your Schedule First Thing!

Begin your day by reviewing your agenda and to-do list. You may have thought of something that should be included.

Prioritize your to-do list so that you may focus on the most critical tasks first.

2. Plan Your Day!

You should organize your day in addition to your to-do list. Include phone calls, meetings, chores, and objectives.

You can use pen and paper, a planner (ideally a bullet journal), or planning software.

Remember to include regular breaks. Make time for friends and family as well.

3. The F.A.R. Regulations!

The F.A.R. Rules are vital for staying organized. They apply equally to your personal and professional lives.

  • File it – if it’s significant and must be kept (either on paper or electronically), file it right away.
  • Act on it – If something needs to be done, such as paying a bill or making a phone call, do it right away. Then file it or recycle it.
  • Recycle it – Whether it’s junk mail, documents, or goods you’ve finished with, recycle it as soon as you can.

These guidelines apply to both emails and paper documents. You can keep your email under control by following them.

4. Using Technology.

Staying OrganizedTechnology might be a distraction at times, but several tools can help you become and stay productive.

However, choose your equipment and solutions cautiously, so you don’t exacerbate the situation.

You may decide that using an app to track your health and fitness will help you stay on track with your goals.

There are also apps for menu planning, scheduling, time and project management, and household organizing.

5. Track

You must measure and monitor your development to be effective with your organizational abilities.

What works and what doesn’t? Prepare to make modifications and adjustments to your routine.

Just because one closet organization method does not work for you does not mean another will.

6. Throw it Out!

Don’t keep things only for the sake of keeping them. If it is no longer helpful or essential, discard it.

Remember to put it away if you’re keeping it. This keeps your surroundings clear of clutter and distractions.

7. Identify What Works!

Keep track of what works for you and stick with it.

If something hasn’t worked out, figure out what needs to be altered and try again the next day.

8. 5-Minute Recap

Staying OrganizedEnd your day with a five-minute review just as you began it.

Celebrate your achievements and check off everything you’ve completed from your to-do list.

Remove any unnecessary or useless chores that remain. Whatever is left should be put to the list for the next day.

9. List of Tasks

Make your to-do list for the next day.

Include any crucial activities that you did not do that day and only the most important ones that must be completed.

Limit your list to 10 items or less to avoid feeling overwhelmed or ending the day with a list of unfinished business.

How to Be More Organized & Productive Video:

Staying Organized Is a Work in Progress!

Being and remaining organized does not happen overnight and requires consistent effort.

You can, however, keep on track by following these nine suggestions.

You can be organized daily with little organization, time, and work.

Staying Organized