Tips For Health And Vitality In Retirement

health and vitality in retirementWe may be getting older but there is no reason why we can’t have health and vitality in retirement. After all, this time is supposed to be our golden years.

Leading up to the years before your retirement, you may have had little to worry about when it came to remaining healthy by getting in exercise, eating healthy, and leading a productive life.

However, the years following retirement are a different story. Why?

For one, you have likely settled down quite a bit. The hustle and bustle of working on a schedule may have subsided, leaving lots of time and inactivity at hand.

As such, it is important for you to actively seek out ways to maintain your vitality and overall health.

Here are the top ten tips for health and vitality in retirement:

Pick Up A Hobby You Enjoy

health and vitality in retirementWhen we are busy with our working life, hobbies can seem like a major waste of time.

However, when we are retired, hobbies can make the difference between becoming depressed, and remaining an outgoing person.

You need to do something for yourself, that makes you feel satisfied and even gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Keep your mind active

When we physically or mentally do not feel our best, it is harder to focus and commit to hobbies.

By distracting our mindset with activities, we are fond of, it then becomes easier and more enjoyable to be active.

Make Sure to Walk Often

health and vitality in retirementWalking is important throughout life, but even more so as we approach and enter senior years. Why?

Because the way walking has evolved, it helps keep the blood pumping, as it should be, as well as being an effective form of cardiovascular exercise.

Walk every day it is possible; you do not need to drive or take a bus when going short distances.

Research has shown that older adults need about 7,500 steps per day, at least three times per week.

By physically engaging in activities, not only does it help with better health, but has shown that it aids with balance and encourages fewer falls.

Swimming is a Great Exercise

If you don’t feel up to joining a gym to keep you healthy, swimming is the perfect alternative. Swimming is an extremely effective total body workout.

In fact, improving both the heart (aerobic system) and muscle (anaerobic system).

You are bound to feel a little sore after a swimming session, especially if you haven’t done any for some time.

This is exactly what is necessary to keep your muscles and heart fit.

Eat Lightly As The Day Progresses

healthy eatingChanges to your metabolic system will occur as we age.

This makes your body less efficient at processing sugars and meals with a lot of fat.

For this reason, it is a good rule of thumb to eat your largest meals early in the day and progressively eat lighter as the day goes on.

A light tuna salad is perfect for dinner, as the protein helps fuel muscle, and vegetables satisfy hunger.

Be Sure To Get Your Daily Recommendation of Fruits And Vegetables

Cancer is a growing public health concern, compounded in large part by poor eating habits.

It has been established time and again that the best way to reduce your risk is to ensure you consume enough fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.

Fruits and vegetables contain a diverse range of phytonutrients. They can prevent abnormal oxidation and inflammatory processes.

As well phytonutrients ensure efficient removal of toxins from the body.

Enjoy Good Times With Family and Friends

enjoy familyEnjoying our life is priceless. This is more important after we hit retirement.

It’s important to help keep you feeling like a valued member of the family and your friend’s circle.

No one wants to feel like an outcast who has outlived their usefulness.

Our friends and family are perfect for reinforcing your worth and mental well-being.

They are also a good way to enjoy good health and vitality in retirement!

Eat Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has proven itself to be a treat worth eating.

In fact, dark chocolate contains potent polyphenols that slow down the aging process and many age-related disorders.

Dark chocolate can keep your blood flowing better, reduce atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, improve mood, and have many more benefits.

Offer Voluntary Advice To Youth

Young people need guidance during their formative years in order to become productive members of society.

health and vitality in retirementThough not everyone is an academic, you could possibly impart your skills to young people.

You could teach lessons on carpentry, housekeeping, financial planning, or even cooking, which can contribute to fulfilling adult lives.

Sleep In Sometimes

With no pressing need to be at work at 8:00 am in the morning, it is ok to sleep in sometimes.

It is important to get as much sleep as possible as we age and sleeping in if you think your body needs it can be a treat.

An aging body may have reduced recuperative abilities, and sleep lets your body and brain repair, restore, and reenergize.

The average aging adult needs between seven to eight hours of rest per night.

If you are finding that you are sleeping more often or longer than normal, let your doctor know as this could be a side effect of medications or other health issues.

Remember to keep your bedroom dark and at cooler temperatures. As Leonardo da Vinci eloquently said, “A well-spent day brings happy sleep.”

Have Sex!

Sex keeps you young, both physically and mentally. Sex can be considered an aerobic workout.

When we have sex our heart needs to keep up with the increased demand for blood during sex.

The endorphins released during sex also promote bonding and happiness.

Stay Up To Date With Your Doctor

health and vitality in retirementAs we age, almost inevitably medication goes right along with it.

Blood pressure, diabetes, or even arthritis is often prescribed to older adults.

Unfortunately, these medications can have side effects that are not healthy.

They can affect sleep, moods, and energy.

If you experience symptoms that do not seem right, call your doctor.

Often, changing to a different brand can be beneficial and allow the medication to work properly.

Final Thoughts

As we get older, our minds and bodies will follow suit. Perhaps your body is showing signs of aching more often.

Maybe your memory seems to be not as sharp when trying to remember information. reported that as of 2019, approximately 16.5 percent of the American population is over the age of 65 years old.

Predictions show that as of 2050, this number will increase to 22 percent by the year 2050.

Though these numbers seem low, comparing them to other population counts that were conducted in 1950, only 8 percent of Americans were over the age of 65 years old.

With this amount of senior population, it is certain that older generations are feeling more pressure to stay active and alert, not only personally but in their communities.

Just because we are aging doesn’t mean we can’t keep our mind and body feeling their best.

In fact, you can live your best life so there is no reason not to have health and vitality in retirement!

The Formula for Successful Aging Video: