Fun Activities to Do at Home

Activities to Do at HomeAre you looking for some fun activities to do at home? Given the current situation worldwide, you may feel that you don’t want to go to theatres and restaurants, so here are some activities you can do at home with either your kids or with friends.

When it is not possible to do activities outside with your kids, you can always find some fun ways to entertain them inside the house.

These activities are also great to include when the weather is bad or your child isn’t feeling well. These activities won’t break the bank making it great for your budget!

Live your best life with a few cheap and fun activities to do at home that you can enjoy with the family:

Cooking and Baking with Your Children

Activities to Do at HomeChildren love to have the opportunity to do different things with their parents and grandparents.

Being able to help your children in the kitchen is a great choice to consider when looking for some cheap activities to do with them.

You could make pizza or pie crusts, and even cookies or biscuits can be a fun activity to do with your children.

In fact, they get to enjoy the feeling of being a successful cook in the kitchen!

Design Roads for Your Children’s Toy Cars!

How much fun is this activity? If your children have a lot of toy cars, you can “build” a road for them on your floors.

This works well if you have wood or tile floors. Just take some colored tape (painting tape works best as it won’t stick), and make the roads.

This will keep your children busy for hours and hours and they can also redesign the roads over and over again.

Have Fun at Home with Crafts

Activities to Do at HomeDo your children like to spend time doing coloring or even finger painting?

This is a great activity for entertaining your children at home.

To keep this activity from being too messy, put down some old newspapers on your kitchen table.

When they are finished painting you just need to roll up the newspaper and throw it out in the trash.

Makes it easy to clean up!

Playing Board Games with the Kids

Activities to Do at HomeEveryone loves playing board games and children have all sorts that they can play with you.

The whole family can get in on these fun activities to do at home.

This activity is perfect especially if you already have a number of board games.

Playing board games with the whole family is a great way to bond together.

Make a Slide out of a Box

This is one of the many fun activities to do at home. All you need is some stairs!

You take the box apart and then lay it flat on top of the stairs. It will make a fun slide for your children to use.

Not only is this cheap fun you can do it inside without having to put up a playset in your backyard.

You will need to have a set of stairs that are a straight run so that kids don’t get hurt.

The adults might even get in on the fun!

Making Tie-Dyed T-Shirts

Right out of the 1960s!

Not only is the fun but your children will be able to wear their results.

All you need is some plain white t-shirts and some dye to use on the t-shirts.

Why not make this a family activity. Everyone can get into this by dying their own t-shirt.

After this activity, everyone in the family will have a colorful t-shirt to wear.

Why not take a family photo with everyone wearing them!

How to Tie-Dye T-Shirts: 6 Easy Methods Video:

How to Make a Fort!

Who doesn’t love building a fort in the family room?

All you need is some blankets or sheets and some pillows.

Pull the furniture together and drape all the blankets over them leaving an area to get in under the blankets.

Great idea to have a picnic inside the tent and as well makes a great place to snuggle up with a good book!

Final Thoughts!

These ideas are great fun and the bigger bonus is that they are inexpensive to do with your children.

They can also provide many hours of fun and creative activities to enjoy together.

Fun Activities to Do Outdoors!

If you are on a budget, but still want to be able to have some fun activities with the family, you can find some get ways to enjoy the outdoors.

Here is a list of some fun and cheap outdoor activities:

Attend Local Little League Games

Fun Activities to Do at HomeThis is something you can do all year round.

In the summer you can attend a baseball or soccer game at the local park.

In the winter you can attend hockey games.

Never of these activities shouldn’t cost you any money.

If your children participate in some sport, get the whole family to attend.

This is another way to bond as a family.

Go on a Treasure Hunt

It doesn’t have to be hunting for easter eggs, this activity can be done any time of the year.

You can make this a lot of fun by designing a treasure map. Just hide toys your children already have somewhere in your yard.

Or you can write out the directions that your children will need to follow to find the treasures!

Make a Dress-Up Box

Not this is something that can be done inside or outside.

All you need to do is buy some cheap clothes from a thrift store or ask family members to donate old clothing.

You could decorate a cardboard box or use an old chest to store the clothes.

Get your children to host a fashion show in your yard that you and the rest of the family could enjoy!

Enjoy Some Fun Activities Outside

This is something you can do any time of the year.

Take a hike in a local park or hiking trails

You could ride bikes as a family or go sledding in the winter.

You can even go ice skating on a frozen lake.

There are so many different activities you could do outside especially if you already have the clothing.

Play Different Sports in the Yard

Depending on the size of your yard, you can get together and play a sport.

You could set up a badminton net and have some fun as a family.

Tag is another great game to do outdoors along with the hide and seek game!

Again, these activities don’t have to cost a dime!

Collecting Items Outdoors

This activity could be done in your backyard or you could go to a park or the beach.

Have your children collect pebbles, shells, leaves, or pebbles.

In order to keep these treasures, you could get some cardboard and cut out a square.

Then have the children glue their items on the piece of cardboard.

They can decorate the cardboard with paints or colored pens.

Once the items are all dried on the board, they will be able to display their treasures!

Final Thoughts!

There are many ways that we can bond as a family. When there is a reason that we need to stick close to home, it doesn’t have to be boring.

As a matter of fact, there are many activities we can do either indoors or outdoors.

If you are on a budget, these activities don’t have to be costly.

So the next time your children say they have nothing to do, take a look at this list of activities to do from home and have some fun!

10 Minute to Win It Games For Kids Video: