How to Stop Feeling Old

Stop Feeling OldDo You Want to Stop Feeling Old? If there is one thing we humans can’t control, it’s getting old. Time goes by and the birthdays add up. Nothing to do but accept that getting older is going to happen to all of us.

There is a saying that I love: “Getting old ain’t for the faint of heart” by Anthony Hopkins.

We all agree that getting older is not easy and that is especially true when we start noticing aches and pains and wrinkles.

However, just because we are getting older doesn’t mean we have to feel old. I’ve seen seventy-year-olds who don’t seem to know they have aged and I have seen forty-year-olds acting like they are ninety!

Yes, we may feel old and some days we probably feel it more, but we don’t have to feel old as there are ways to combat that feeling.

We can stop feeling old with a few simple, healthy and positive things that we can do each day so that we can enjoy a life of vitality and energy and experience positive health.

Some of these habits may require a bit more work while others are as simple as having a positive outlook.

As well some of these habits can help to preserve your mental and physical well-being long into your senior years. They can help to reduce the possibility of depression or feeling lonely.

Listed below are some of the ways you can add some simple steps into your daily routine to stop feeling old and feeling young and vibrant instead.

Staying Active

Stop Feeling OldThere are a number of studies that show that by staying as active as possible into your older years, you can improve or maintain your mental and physical abilities. By doing this you will feel younger.

Even children can experience improvement in their lives when they increase physical activity.

Another important habit is to make sure your joints and muscles are strong. This will help to minimize any pain or swelling and actually will help to delay any age-related disabilities.

Maintain an Active Social Life

When you maintain an active social life you will feel less secluded and stave off depression. An active social life is a great way to keep the mind healthy as well.

As a result, you feel younger and be able to stay up with the many changes life has to offer.

Maintaining friendships over the years is a wonderful and beneficial action as we get older.

Of course, as we get older we will all face the problem of losing friends and family members due to old age. One way around this is to make sure that you have friends in different age groups.

Not only will younger friends be around a lot longer so you can enjoy their company, but they can also give you different perspectives on life in general!

Even though the last year or so we have had to curtail our social gatherings, there are many ways to still stay close to friends and family members.

Technology has been an important part of being together. This includes everything from Zoom calls to SnapChat and more.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Stop Feeling OldOne of the easiest ways to feel younger longer is to make sure you are eating healthy foods daily.

Eating foods that will reduce your energy and physical health is going to make us feel older and energy will be lacking.

Foods with high sugar and fat content tend to weigh us down in more ways than one. Too much of these foods can make joints stiff and sore and increase pain.

You will want to eat foods that are going boost your energy and make us feel better about life in general.

Keeping an Active Brain

Brain health is so important as we age and there are many ways you can exercise the brain. Regular reading, doing crossword puzzles, or even playing memory games are good ways to do just that.

A couple of other ways to keep an active brain is to take regular exercise. Getting plenty of good quality sleep is also important for brain health.

If you love music or have always wanted to learn to play an instrument, this might be a good time to start as this will also help to keep the brain healthy.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

Stop Feeling OldYes, having fun is a great way to stay young! You can take part in all sorts of fun activities. Invite friends or family members to join you on your fun quest.

If you enjoy fun activities you are more likely to add them into your life on a regular basis.

Don’t Stop Working

Although retirement can be nice, it can also leave a big gaping hole in your life. Having a purpose has been attributed to having a satisfying life.

If you don’t want to continue working you can always volunteer. There are many opportunities for volunteers whether it is at a non-profit or your church.

Volunteering is a way to stay busy and be active in your life.


Stop Feeling OldOf course, getting older is not a lot of fun. But when you add a few habits into your life you can minimize any negative effects. You may actually enjoy your life even more!

To stay active and fulfilled long into your senior years, stay active, exercise your brain and make sure you eat healthy and delicious food.

When you have a fulfilled life you won’t notice that you are aging as much.

By maintaining a physical, mental, and socially active life long into your senior years you will be able to stop or reduce the symptoms of depression, have increased energy, improve and maintain your memory.

When you put these ideas into practice you will find you stop feeling old.

As a result, the gift you will give yourself is a renewed sense of vitality and you get to create the life you deserve.

Meet The ‘Super-Agers’ Who Defy The Effects Of Old Age Video:

Here is the link for the book that was talked about in the video: Dynamic Aging: Simple Exercises for Whole-Body Mobility

stop feeling old