Create Affirmations To Support Your Goals

When you start to create affirmations you will first need to identify the areas in your life you would like to improve. This way you will be able to create powerful affirmations.

However, the affirmations will have a lot more meaning for you if you link them to the goals that you have set for yourself.

You do have goals, don’t you? If you don’t then you need to read every word of this article.

Most people do not have any goals set and just drift along in life. They may want different things but they don’t seem to be prepared to put in the time and effort to get them.

The reason that most people do not have goals set for the short and long term is that they associate pain with making goals.

They are going to have to think about this and this requires effort.

Identify What You Want

Create AffirmationsYou need to know what you really want in your life in order to set goals to achieve anything.

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed along with pen and paper.

To find out what you really want you just need to ask yourself the questionwhat do I really want?”.

It sounds simple because it is. Just keep asking the question over and over and writing down your answers.

Don’t think about the answer. Just let them come naturally. Afterward, you can choose which goal has a priority.

Ask yourself this question in relation to different areas of your life such as:

  • HealthCreate Affirmations
  • Wealth
  • Relationships
  • Material things
  • Spirituality
  • Self-esteem
  • Skills

There are other facets of your life that you can include here. When you ask the question of yourself, focus on it completely until you start to receive answers in your head.

Some of these answers will come from your conscious mind and some from your subconscious mind.

Write everything down. Do not make any judgments here.

What Do You Want the Most?

Once you have a list of the things that you desire in your life you need to take a look at each one.

As you look at them, imagine how you will feel when you have achieved the goal.

Take your time when you do this and make your feelings as strong as possible.

Write your feelings down next to the desire you are assessing.

When you have completed this exercise for all of your desires you will be able to identify the ones that you want the most.

This is important as you do not want to set too many goals and try to achieve too many things at once.

Choose the desires with the strongest feelings associated with them and turn these into your goals.

Use the SMART Goal Setting Process

Write your goals using the SMART process which stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timed

Here is a great video on how to set smart goals.

How to Set SMART Goals Video:

Do your homework here so that you set the most effective goals.

Use Affirmations to Support your Goals

Create AffirmationsExamine each of the goals that you have set and identify the changes that you will need to make to achieve them.

Are there any current weaknesses that you have that will prevent you from achieving your goals?

Create a list of these weaknesses and then write positive affirmations around each of them so that you can make the necessary changes that you need.

By reciting your affirmations regularly you will start to see improvements in different areas of your life that will help you to achieve all of your goals.

How To Reinforce Your Affirmations

You have invested a great deal of time and effort to create the most powerful affirmations that you need to change your life for the better.

So, you want to do everything that you can to keep going with your affirmations and achieve the results that you desire.

Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to reinforce your affirmations and ensure that you persist with them each day.

You do not have to do all of the things that we recommend in this article.

Take a good look at each of them and see which ones best suit your situation.

Visualize Your Affirmations

This is something that is strongly recommended. As you read each of your affirmations take the time to visualize them.

Create a clear picture in your mind of how achieving each affirmation will make you feel.

Make these feelings as intense as you can because it will lead to better results.

It is not difficult to learn visualization techniques and it is totally worth the effort.

Visualize, Affirm & Achieve Any Goal – John Assaraf Video:

This video does a good job of explaining how visualization works and how you can practice it.

Place Your Affirmations Where You Will See Them

This is optional but it is very effective. You can print out your affirmations or make copies of them and place them where you will see them each day.

Put these up in your office and places in your home that you will be in often such as the kitchen, bathroom, workroom, and so on.

Use your computer and your phone to help you to reinforce your affirmations as well.

Create wallpaper that includes your affirmations so that when you switch on your computer or look at your phone you will see them.

Create an affirmation document that you can use on your computer and phone.

You never go anywhere without your phone, do you?

Make sure that you can open your affirmations document on your phone whenever you want to.

Use You Affirmations During Downtime

Create AffirmationsWe all have times during the day when we have nothing to do. This can be traveling to work each day on the train, subway, or bus.

Use this downtime to read your affirmations. Your time is your most precious commodity so don’t waste it.

People spend a lot of time waiting in line these days. It happens in stores and in airports and many other places.

Get your affirmations list out and read through it while you are waiting in line. Don’t just let your mind wander aimlessly.

Make Recordings of Your Affirmations

You can record yourself speaking your affirmations with passion and then turn this into an MP3 file which you can listen to in your car, at the gym, or anywhere basically.

Some people are reluctant to do this because they don’t believe that their voice is good enough. This is nonsense.

Your subconscious mind is going to react better to your voice than anyone else’s.

It doesn’t matter if you make a few mistakes in your recording. Just find a quiet place and record yourself reciting your affirmations.

Review your Affirmations Regularly

As your life changes so your affirmations will need to change. This gives you the opportunity to continue to create the best life for yourself.

Make a commitment to review your affirmations once a week to see if they are still appropriate for your situation.

If not, now might be the time to create affirmations that are more effective.

This will help to strengthen your belief in your affirmations as well so that you can achieve your goals.