How to Create Abundance

Create AbundanceThere are several ways that you can create abundance in your life. This could be in your career, or your relationships, even your finances.

In fact, you can create abundance in all areas of your life. All you have to do is create the right mindset.

When you have a positive mindset regarding abundance, you will see more positive outcomes that will enable you to reach all your goals and dreams.

When you have a scarcity mindset you stop yourself from believing that you were meant for a better life. In fact, a scarcity mindset discourages you from pursuing your dreams.

Examples of a scarcity mindset: “Perhaps I should just accept that I am never going to go far in life” or “I know I will never be able to do all things I want to accomplish.”  These are examples that will stop you from being able to create abundance in your life.

In fact, people who are conscious of having abundance are thinking “There is always enough for everyone” or “I am not happy where I am therefore, I will change it” and “I deserve to have more all of what I want in life because I deserve to make it happen.”

Here Are Some Things You Can Do To Create Abundance:

Start By Realizing Your Worth!

What this means is that you need to know that you deserve all the good things that life has to offer you.

It also means that you are aware that there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to have more happiness, freedom, peace, or even money.

Create AbundanceIn fact, by realizing your worth you are accepting that you are worth having more of what it is that you want in life.

You also believe that by having a goal and doing everything you need to do to get there, sooner or later you will accomplish what you seek.

By realizing your worth, you accept that you are meant to live the life of your dreams and you are prepared to stay focused on your vision by maintaining positive thoughts, taking the necessary steps, and encouraging yourself.

Once you realize your worth, you are going to find that you can say no to what takes you away from your goals and yes to what will help you accomplish them.

You will also be aware of what helps you to keep improving yourself and your skills, and what gets in the way of growing and achieving those very goals.

How to Be the Best Version of Yourself

This is an important point. You will be able to create abundance in your life when you are no longer trying to be someone you are not and start being happy with who you are.

This means that you have embraced living to the best of your abilities and strengths.

You see you are, you are doing the best you can with what you have. In fact, you are not pretending to be someone or something that you are not.

One of my favorite sayings is: I accept who I am, who I am not, and who I will never be!

When you reach this point in believing who you are, you are then the best version of yourself.

When you have embraced your true identity you will find that your life is filled with joy, peace of mind, and happiness.

You will be empowered to take control over your life thereby being able to accomplish more and live an abundant life.

See What You Desire and Act as if You Have Attained it!

Create AbundanceThe best way of staying motivated to achieve your dreams is by visualizing where you want to be in your life and then by creating a clear picture of what you will accomplish.

When you create a picture of where you want to be, you will be able to see yourself create the life you want to live.

You see yourself creating more abundance in your life.
You may even be able to appreciate how that feels.

Practice Gratitude

This is another important component of creating abundance. When you practice gratitude you are being attentive to all the good things that are showing up in your life.

You are acknowledging all that is good and you are thankful for your life and the people you get to share your life with.

When you practice gratitude you will not only see what is good, but you open space to have more good come into your life. You will be able to create abundance.

Gratitude helps you see that your life is worth living and that all of your goals are within reach. All you have to do is just have to be conscious of it.

Remain grateful and you will attract more abundance, more good things into your life.

How to Influence the Desired Outcome

Create AbundanceBy taking the required steps towards your goals and dreams, you will find that you are living abundantly. In fact, you actually have the power of being able to influence the outcomes you desire.

By taking intentional action and acting deliberately, you have the power to influence the desired outcome.

Let’s take a look at an example. Perhaps you desire more wealth in your life. What does wealth mean to you? How much money do you want? How much money do you need to have for you to feel wealthy?

Once you answer these questions, you can then ask other questions such as what resources do you have available that you can use to accomplish this goal. You may need to acquire a new skill or even work on ones you already have. Perhaps you need a mentor.

You might also need to look into taking a course or working on getting distractions out of your life to concentrate on this goal. One thing you can do is to seek new opportunities that will lead you to achieve what you are seeking.

By doing all of these things, you can influence the desired outcome you are seeking.

10 Affirmations That Can Lead To Being Able to Create Abundance

Create AbundanceUsing affirmations to attract the life you desire is important. Affirmations guide you in the right direction. They instill within you the belief that you deserve a life of abundance.

In fact, you were born to thrive, and that you have what it takes to prosper as well as to live the life you have always wanted.

Using affirmations daily keeps you focused, inspired, and excited about what you are doing.

Use the following affirmations to attract a life of abundance and prosper.

1. I deserve a life of abundance.

You will only attract abundance when you start believing that you deserve an abundant life. So, wake up each day having confidence in the fact that you were meant to have more of whatever you are wishing for and remind yourself that you deserve a life of plenteousness.

2. Success is a part of me.

“Success is a part of me” is a phrase you need to say to yourself over and over if you are to prosper in all areas of your life. Recognize that you were meant for something greater.

That the desire to succeed what is inside you can be made manifest by seeking success as well as holding on to the truth that lack or poverty isn’t for you.

3. I am ready to have more of everything I need.

Most people fail to attract abundance in their lives because they are not ready for it. Perhaps you dwell too much on how unpleasant your life is and miss opportunities that are right in front of you.

The only way to create abundance is by preparing yourself for it. It is important to remind yourself daily that you are ready to receive more of what you desire.

More happiness, more love, more peace, etc. That way, when an opportunity that has the potential of imparting more of what you need comes, you will be ready.

4. All I need to live abundantly is already within me.

Perhaps one of the main reasons that are preventing you from reaching your goals or having more of what you want is that you think you are not capable of doing things on your own.

You are waiting for someone or something to give you “the right push” but you fail to realize that everything you need to begin living the life you want is already within you.

You just have to believe it. For instance, if you want more money, recognize that you have what it takes to make more money.

5. I want more money and that is okay.

A lot of people assume that desiring wealth is a bad thing and so, they shy away from working toward having an abundance of money. There is nothing wrong with wanting more money.

It enables you to not only improve your life but extend a helping hand to people in need and it empowers you to change someone else’s life.

So, if you want money in abundance, stop fighting the feeling and start thinking, “Having more money will help me change someone else’s life” and be comfortable with it.

That is how you attract financial abundance.

6. I am receptive to expected and unexpected ways of having more of what I desire.

This confirmation will help you recognize opportunities when they come and enable you to seize them as well as make the most of them.

There is no one way of doing things or reaching your goals. Therefore, you have to be receptive to different ways of getting to your destination or of receiving what you want.

Your big break may come through someone or something you weren’t expecting. It is important to make sure you don’t let it pass you by just because you weren’t expecting so and so to help you.

7. My success is important.

Realizing and confirming that your success matters every day can help guide you toward having more of whatever you want. Plan to succeed in all areas of your life.

Plan to have an abundance of peace, love, joy, and realize that it matters that you succeed in life.

8. My dreams matter.

You will only live abundantly by staying true to yourself, your wishes, as well as your dreams. Your dreams can only be fulfilled by not only doing the work but by prioritizing them and realizing they matter.

9. I have what it takes to live abundantly.

Acknowledging that you have what it takes to live plentifully is the key to not only attracting a life of abundance but to living it. Therefore, look in the mirror every morning and say “I have what it takes to make this work. I have what it takes to reach my goal.”

10. I am thankful for each day.

Thankfulness is one thing that has the power to help you get whatever you want and turn your life completely around. So, be thankful for each day that you can dream, love, work, study, care, and be all you desire to be in this life.

Remember that a life of abundance can only be attracted by people who practice gratitude, people who realize they have a lot to be thankful for, and people who focus more on the good things in their lives.

Final Thoughts!

It is important to remember that we are meant to have a life of abundance. All we have to do is work in the areas of our life that need attention to create abundance in all areas of our lives.

you are enough

Do You Have The Instinct To Be Wealthy?

No matter where you are in life you are just one idea away from being wealthy. And most of the time, that idea is right under our noses.

The problem? We just don’t see it. Take a look at this weird list:

  • Plastic wishbones
  • Doll hospitals
  • $1 advertisement
  • Steel trees
  • Dog funerals
  • Pet rock
  • Cards for exercise
  • Letters to Santa

Ideas which common people thought were too ‘unusual’ or ‘crazy’ to work have since then made over millions of dollars. So the difference really between the poor and the wealthy?

It all comes down to one’s ability to hone their intuition of recognizing wealth opportunities when it presents itself… or ‘wealth instincts’ as we’d like to call it.

How does it work?

This video pinpoints exactly how to do just that and what the world’s wealthiest people really did to grow their money.

In fact, even the likes of Rockefeller… Rothschild… Carnegie… and even our founding father Benjamin Franklin. They all simply spotted an opportunity and used it to make millions almost overnight.

So the question isn’t where to find these so-called opportunities. Frankly, they are literally everywhere.

The right question would be do you have this so-called ‘wealth instinct’?