How to Have An Abundant Life

It is possible to have an abundance lifestyle no matter what anyone tries to tell you. If you want to have an abundant life, you can choose it. All it takes is a little work.

You can attract abundance in your life by taking the necessary steps.

If you are of the mindset that to live abundantly is only meant for a very few people, you would be wrong. Everyone deserves to have an abundant life!

In fact, you can have all the joy, money, friends, and opportunities you desire. You have the potential to make this work for yourself and create the life you deserve.

How to Live Abundantly

The question of course is why is that only a handful or so of people are prospering and getting to live their best life?

The reason for this is that living a life of abundance originates in the mind.

As a result, abundance can only be attracted by those people who believe they were born to achieve whatever it is that they want in life.

Have An Abundant LifeIf you are looking to have an abundance of happiness, more joy, and more health, you will need to trust that you actually deserve having it.

You will also need to believe that you have what it takes to bring abundance into your life.

As well you will need to work on those things that you believe you are capable of attracting.

If you think that you will never recover from an illness, then working towards being healthy will never be a priority for you.

As a matter of fact, you probably won’t even consider doing it.

However, when you believe that you deserve to get over your illness, you will start finding ways to restore your health. You will see yourself getting well and as a result, you will heal.

That is how you will be able to attract a life of abundance and prosperity.

The first step is to believe that you were born to have more of whatever you want. You will be able to see yourself achieving what your heart desires.

As well you will do what needs to be done to get what you want. You will also grow in confidence that you were meant to have more in life.

Are you able to remember the dreams you once had? Perhaps a dream you let slip away because you believed that you didn’t have enough talent, skill, or discipline to bring it to fruition?

You can still bring your dreams to life. You can live all of your dreams and have a life as you have always imagined.

More importantly, you just have to believe that you are capable and that you deserve your dreams.

No dream is too big and no goal is unattainable for you! They are attainable because if you can envision it, you can bring it to life.

Understand that you can create the life you want.

You can improve your health, you can make more friends, you can make more money.

You will be able to have more enjoyment with your relationships as you attract good things into your life.

All this is possible because you were really born to have the best that life has to offer. You just have to believe!

Here is a proverb to live by:

It is true that abundance begins in our thoughts. You can start working to achieve what you desire.

All you need to do is believe that you have what it takes. Then fill your mind with thoughts of attaining what you want. And finally, work to achieve your goals and dreams.

Although abundance may begin with our thoughts, it doesn’t end there. You will have to put in some work.

Have An Abundant LifeOne way to receive more love is to give more love!

If you want more money, you will need to do the work.

If you are looking for more opportunities, search for them.

Are you looking for more health, then you will need to watch what you eat, exercise regularly, and take care of your wellbeing.

Being able to live an abundant life is not going to happen overnight.

It will take work as you continue to trust yourself and believe in your abilities.

You will also need to trust the process. Being patient with yourself is also a good thing.

Try not to give in to negative feelings as this will stop you from getting your goals because you will stop working towards them.

The road to an abundant life comes from how you think, act, and believe. It is important to talk as if you have already received your desired outcome.

Now, the road to having an abundant life is going to have a number of roadblocks and disappointments.

There are going to be times when you feel discouraged.

However, those are the times when you can’t let that stop you from going after what you say you want.

You still need to take the necessary steps towards achieving your goals. Ups and downs are just part of the process.

In order to attract abundance, you will need to put in the work.

You are also going to need to be patient, learn from your failures as you move forward.

The next time you have feelings of not deserving the best in life, take a moment to reflect on the truth. We are all meant to have an abundant life.

Living Life Without Limits

I was dancing with my three-year-old nephew recently when his father suddenly stormed into the room.

My reflex action was to stop the dance, sit down and look dignified but that wasn’t the case with my little nephew. He continued as if absolutely nothing had happened.

While thinking about the scenario I concluded one thing: growing up had taken away from me my freedom without bounds.

At his age I also would have continued enjoying myself, no one could stop me from doing my favorite pastime then.

A rich friend of mine recalls the incident that led him to decide to pursue business, “I was shopping for shoes one day, carefully trying to pick the right pair to match many outfits because this was going to be an all-purpose pair.

A certain very classy woman entered the same shop and I watched as she did her shopping.

She tried on about five pairs of different colors and styles and because she liked them all, she promptly paid for them and left.

On that day I decided that I was done living a limited life.

I got home, opened my journal of ideas, picked the one I considered best, and started working on my plan to start the business and the rest is history”

Naomi was illiterate until she was twenty-eight and this is what she has to say, “All it took was me hating the feeling I had when my six-year-old son came asking me to help him with his homework one day.

I had always shied away from that as I didn’t want him to consider me dumb.

On this particular day though he was very persistent so finally I had to tell him that I couldn’t read or write to which he replied, “But this is an easy grade one stuff”.

I cried when I was alone but after the emotion was gone I decided I wasn’t going to be a limitation to my son’s education and my influence over him so I enrolled in an adult literacy school the very following week and started learning to read and write.

It took Agnes one sorrowful day for her to go back to the drawing board and remember that her childhood dream was to become a doctor and not the nurse that she had become.

A patient needing an operation died on her watch because there was no doctor present and she recalls the patient crying out to them to save him but no one was qualified to.

Agnes was an extraordinary nurse who often watched in anticipation when doctors carried out operations but she restrained herself from trying that day because she was scared of what would happen to her should something go wrong.

Have An Abundant LifeHow was she going to face the hospital authorities?

After witnessing the death of that patient, she promised herself that enough was enough. She no longer wanted to be limited to only dressing wounds and the other duties of a nurse.

This meant more years of study to finally become a doctor but she did it anyhow.

This life doesn’t last forever and we all don’t know how much of it we still have left so there is no reason to live it constrained.

Should all nurses strive to become doctors as Agnes did? No, but all those who have it in their hearts to become more should, by all means, go for it.

If you know that there can be more of you then the time to tap into that more is now. Unleash the shackles stopping you from doing the things you desire today.

Living life without limits requires you to face your worst fears.

There are different kinds of fears we all have and some are nothing but plain stupid.

It is when you face them that you discover you should never have allowed them to tie you down in the first place.

Don’t wait for a disastrous event like an accident or the loss of a loved one to wake you up from the inability to realize that you need to enjoy your life.

On the flip side is the need to realize which limits are worth removing from your path.

Riding a motorbike with no helmet or driving without buckling up your seat belt wouldn’t be such a good idea.

Living with no limits doesn’t mean that you have to become totally unreasonable. You should not take any precautions in the face of danger.

You need to learn to categorize the limitations that cost you your pure liberty from the necessary ones meant to protect you.

How to Generate Abundance With Thoughts Video:

Final Thoughts:

It is a brilliant idea to assess your performance in different areas of your life. As well, ask yourself if anything is hindering your progress.

Declaring your freedom from these is another way to get around it but nothing beats taking actual action despite your fears.

Most people are terrified of speaking in public but nothing removes that limitation like deciding to do it anyway.

With trembling hands, a dry throat, or an actual sick feeling, you just need to start talking. In so doing, in no time that feeling soon goes away.

The champion in you is meant to be listened to, don’t bow down to the limitation of stage fright.

No matter the challenge or the particular fear, cure it today by taking action so you have an abundant life and the one you really do deserve.

Have An Abundant Life