What are Some Bad Habits That Cause Fatigue?

Do you feel tired all the time even though you think you live a healthy lifestyle? You may be tired because of some bad habits that cause fatigue. Even though you might be getting enough sleep at night, there may be habits that are robbing your energy.

There are probably things you do or even don’t do during the day that leaves you feeling exhausted.

Maybe even getting through the day is a challenge.

Here is a list of some bad habits that cause fatigue and leave you with low energy:

Not Exercising Because You are Tired

Bad Habits That Cause FatigueIt is no fun having to exercise when you are feeling exhausted. If you think this is going to fix your low energy, you would be wrong.

In fact, having regular exercise can give your energy a boost. It also helps to strengthen your cardiovascular system making it work more effectively.

As a result, you get more oxygen and nutrients into your body.

All it takes is just twenty minutes of exercise at least three times a week. Doing this will give your more energy and you will feel less fatigued.

You Might Be Not Getting Enough Iron

This is especially true for women. If you don’t have enough iron in your body you are going to feel weak, irritable, and unable to focus on anything.

When your body isn’t getting enough iron, less oxygen is able to move to your cells and muscles. This is going to leave you feeling tired.

This is a simple fix because you can boost your iron intake with certain foods.

Those foods include eggs, lean beef, tofu, nuts, kidney beans along with dark green leafy vegetables, and even peanut butter.

You Make Too Much Out of Minor Issues

Are you guilty of always expecting the worst-case scenario in your life? Do you assume the worst when the boss calls you into the office?

When you are feeling anxious a lot of the time you are draining the energy out of your body.

Before you go off the deep end, take a deep breath or two and ask yourself what the worst thing is that could happen.

Then ask yourself how likely that scenario is going to happen.

One of the ways of dealing with anxiety is to take some time for meditation, getting outside in nature, or even exercising.

You Eat Too Much Junk Food

Bad Habits That Cause FatigueIf you are addicted to junk food, you are not giving your body enough proper nutrition.

Foods that are loaded with simple carbohydrates and sugar will increase blood sugar.

The constant spiking of your blood sugar will be followed by sharp crashes.

This ends up leaving you feeling fatigued throughout the day.

Try eating more lean protein along with some whole grains at your means. This will help to level out your blood sugar.

Surprising Things That Drain Your Energy

Our lives are very busy it seems and we need as much energy as possible to deal with all the challenges and problems we may face in a day.

Unfortunately, there are many factors that contribute to us feeling exhausted.

If you try to push yourself beyond your energy reserves, the more you are putting your health at risk.

If you want to have more energy so that you can enjoy your life, here are some pitfalls to avoid:

Avoid Getting Dehydrated

It is important to make sure you don’t get dehydrated as this can slow down the circulation of oxygen in your body.

Your muscles need oxygen to work effectively.

As a result, your energy reserves get depleted. If you end up with severe dehydration, you could feel nauseous and more exhausted.

The solution is simple. Just drink plenty of water throughout your day.

Eliminate or Reduce Sugar Intake

We all know how addictive sugar can be and it is found in just about every processed food.

It may make you feel like you have more energy when you first eat something with sugar in it, but then your insulin levels rise and shortly afterward, drops off.

This sudden dip of blood sugar will just leave you feeling like you can’t concentrate and that you need a nap.

The best way to avoid a sugar crash is to try to stick to eating unprocessed foods as much as possible.

Not Getting Quality Sleep

Bad Habits That Cause FatigueYou can’t possibly be at your best if you aren’t getting enough quality sleep. In fact, being deprived of a good night’s sleep can impair your memory.

There are also other problems that can arise from not getting adequate sleep.

You can end up with a depressed mood, but more importantly, you could be subject to all sorts of chronic diseases.

These diseases include diabetes and heart disease.

Again, there is a simple solution.

Just go to bed an hour earlier than you might otherwise do and you will find that you might just wake up with more energy.

Avoiding Stress

Now, this may seem like an impossible task since we all have to deal with stress. However, if you have too much stress, your body responds by pushing adrenaline through the body.

As well your cortisol levels will spike.

Stress can affect all of our body’s systems. This includes the cardiovascular system and immune system.

As a result, your energy reserves becoming chronically drained.

We Need Fresh Air and Sunshine

It doesn’t do us any good to be sending the majority of our time indoors. Sunshine and fresh air are a good solution for helping us feel less fatigued.

The problem is that indoor air is often stuffy and can contain lots of chemicals and toxins from synthetic materials.

As well artificial lighting can also deplete our energy stores.

Artificial light can be responsible for not being able to fall asleep and as a result, we wake up feeling drained of energy.

Dump Fatigue and Get Your Energy Back Video:

Final Thoughts:

There are many bad habits that you do throughout your day that can lead to fatigue and low energy. As a result, you can’t create the best life for yourself.

By understanding the bad habits that cause fatigue you can help develop a plan to correct them and lead you to live a fuller, more energetic life.

There are many different habits that can affect our energy levels. However, there are solutions.

Some are simple to implement while others make time to become a habit.

The bottom line is that the bad habits that cause fatigue can be changed into good habits that give you more energy!