Planning a Mental Health Day?

mental health dayWhen was the last time you treated yourself to a day off for your mental health? Perhaps you take some time off at the end of each quarter for a mental health day.

Unless you have a fever or a sore throat, you should probably try to avoid remaining in bed if you can help it.

If this describes you, you might be taken aback to learn that the World Health Organization has designated October 10 as the day of the annual official World Mental Health Day celebration.

This is a component of a larger effort to educate, raise awareness, and advocate for the cause.

Taking a break when you feel the need to can count as your contribution to the effort.

Consider incorporating some of these ideas into the organization of your next day off to assist you in regaining your equilibrium and preserving your health.

Advice for Making Your Mental Health Day More Relaxing

Regular downtime is necessary for all of us, but the specifics of how that time should be spent are highly dependent on the individual.

If you’re feeling stressed out, setting aside some peaceful time for yourself to rest and think will help.

Consider participating in some of these simple yet enjoyable pursuits:

1. Do Something Nice For Yourself. A beautiful appearance is only one benefit of receiving beauty treatments. Your skin is an organ, and as such, it requires proper care. Plan an at-home spa day or make an appointment for a massage with a trained therapist.

2. Meditate or Pray. Investigate the spiritual side of things. Spend some time at the beginning of your personal retreat simply observing your thoughts. Read texts that will inspire you, and think about what such texts signify.mental health day

3. Do Workouts That Focus on Stretching. Grab a book or video about helpful stretching exercises from your neighborhood library, or look online for some materials that can give you some ideas to get you started.

4. Create Art. Use your imagination in some way. You can paint landscape features, such as trees and houses if you take your easel outside. Draw a likeness of your face while looking in the mirror and doing it. Pay a visit to a pottery workshop and try your hand at making a pair of earrings or a coffee mug.

5. Pick up a Good Book. A number of studies have discovered that reducing the amount of time spent watching television can boost the amount of time spent being physically active and overall well-being. Instead, you should pick up a book. You are free to read anything that piques your attention, from novels to recipes for French gastronomy.

6. Start to Play Some Music. Your favorite tunes have the power to dramatically alter your state of mind. You should put together some music that will either help you relax or get you in a better mood.

7. Take a Nap. According to the Sleep Foundation, more than one-third of adults in the United States report that they regularly receive fewer than seven hours of sleep each night. Get some much-needed rest and relax. Plan to sleep early in the day to ensure that it won’t throw off the rest of your day’s activities.

Ideas for a Refreshing and Productive Mental Wellness Day

On the other hand, it’s possible that you’re experiencing boredom and searching for ways to stimulate yourself.

mental health dayGo out of your comfort zone and try something new and exciting by participating in the following activities:

1. Start a Tree From Seed. Do some research online to find out about reforestation and tree planting programs in your community, or plant a tree in your own backyard. Planting a garden with simple veggies like lettuce and squash is a good option for those who wish to begin with a more manageable project.

2. Do the Household Tasks. Putting things in order at home is a good idea if you enjoy cleaning. You may also take on a home repair job that could be completed in one day, such as painting a room or putting in new window treatments.

3. Be Social. You should ask a close friend or member of your family to come along with you. Put together a meal to enjoy in the fresh air of a park. Pay a trip to a specialized scientific museum or take in a performance at a local community theater throughout the afternoon.

4. Provide Your Services Free of Charge. Your day dedicated to mental health will be more meaningful if you give back to your community and assist others who are struggling. Volunteer at a food kitchen or animal shelter by sorting cans or walking dogs.

Take Some Time for Yourself!

A mental health day is a wonderful opportunity to refresh oneself, but it is imperative that you continue to make investments in yourself throughout the year.

Incorporate activities that are beneficial to your health and happiness into your leisure time so that you can remain happy and healthy.

spending time at the spa