Best Ways to Increase Your Energy

We all live very busy lives these days and probably feel pretty drained most of the time. Since you have things to take care of it is important to learn how to increase your energy.

You probably have a lot on your plate.  Your family to take care of let alone your own well-being. You may have a job that is demanding.

Do you find it difficult to concentrate on all the tasks and responsibilities you have? Do you find your frustration level is rising and you have run out of patience?

There are so many energy drains around all of us. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get back the energy you need to live your best life.

Here Is a List of The Best Ways to Boost Your Energy:

Get Enough Magnesium: You should make sure that you are eating a balanced diet so you get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

If you are, however, feeling exhausted a lot of the time, you might want to up your magnesium intake.

Magnesium is responsible for over three hundred biochemical reactions that take place in the body. Another important job of magnesium is to break down glucose into energy.

It is recommended that we take 300 milligrams if you are a woman and 350 milligrams of magnesium if you are a man.

Walking to Increase Your Energy: You can increase your energy levels by getting some daily physical activity.

increase your energyWalking is a great way to get some exercise no matter what shape you are in.

In fact, walking can be done anywhere and you don’t need any special equipment or for that matter training.

Doing a quick ten-minute walk daily will not only increase your energy, but apparently, the effects can last up to two hours or more.

Take a Nap: Sometimes we need a nap especially if we have been pushing our brain too hard.

We end up with information overload which is a good way to zap our energy reserves.

It is recommended to take no more than a sixty-minute nap.

This amount of time is considered to be a power nap and will help increase your energy.

Stay Hydrated: If you become dehydrated you are going to feel lethargic.

When you drink enough water your body is going to function better and you will have more energy.

If however, you still don’t see any changes to your energy, take a look at how much alcohol you drink.

Alcohol may help you relax and even fall asleep, but it can also interfere with the quality of your sleep.

When we don’t get enough sleep to recharge our batteries, so to speak, we end up with less energy the next day.

List of Things That Zap Our Energy!

Here is a reminder of all the things that can cause us to have low energy.

  • Sugar: Did you know that sugar can steal your energy? You may get a short energy burst, but then a crash as your insulin levels drop.
  • Lack of Sleep: If you don’t get enough sleep, at night you are going to have less energy the next day. Lack of sleep can also cause memory impairment and the risk of some chronic diseases.
  • Stress: The more stress we have, the less energy we have. Your body responds to stress by spiking cortisol and adrenaline in the body. The result is your energy gets depleted.
  • Dehydration: Every part of our body needs water to support our organs, muscles, and other systems in the body. So make sure you get enough water!
  • You Need Nature: Spending too much time indoors where you don’t get to be in the sunshine and fresh air, will deplete your energy. Mostly because there is artificial light and chemicals from synthetic materials.

Increase Your Energy with These Great Tips

There are a number of things we can do to make sure we have enough energy to undertake all our tasks and responsibilities.

There is no reason to struggle with fatigue when you can take a few simple tasks to make sure you have the energy to live your life.

  • Limit Time on Devices: This is something to consider especially before bedtime. Instead of playing a game or checking Facebook try reading or even going for a walk. When you disconnect from your devices before bed, you are able to get a better quality of sleep which will increase your energy.increase your energy
  • Get Some Exercise: Make sure to get some physical exercise every day. If you know you are going to have a stressful day, do the exercise in the morning. You will sleep better and it increases oxygen through the body. It is also a great stress reliever.
  • Get a Well-Balanced Diet: Try to eat a well-balanced diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins throughout your day. Eating processed and fast food is going to deplete your energy since they have very little nutrition.
  • Again, Drink Water: This tip can not be stressed enough. When we are dehydrated we suffer from fatigue. Try to drink at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Try to Limit Your Caffeine Intake: Coffee in the morning might give you a kick start to the day. However, drinking caffeine beverages later in the day can lead to fatigue along with insomnia.

Healthy Foods to Increase Your Energy

We have talked about a lot of things that can zap your energy as well as some tips to increase your energy. However, there are a number of foods that also help to increase your energy levels.

Here is a list of foods that can help maintain energy levels so you can have a successful day.

  • Almonds: This nut contains both magnesium and B vitamins. They actually help to convert the food (nuts) into energy. When we don’t have a sufficient level of these two supplements, we can become irritable and suffer from fatigue. All you need is to eat about one ounce of almonds daily.
  • Popcorn: This whole-grain carbohydrate helps to prevent blood sugar crashes due in part to the amount of fiber in popcorn. It is also a great alternative to potato chips. Lower in calories as well.
  • Peanut Butter: There are many types of nut butter. Although they may be considered calorie-dense foods, they are great for giving an energy boost. They contain fiber, fat, and protein and can make you feel more satisfied when you eat them. Just make sure the ingredients don’t have any added sugar.
  • Bananas: Since bananas contain potassium along with Vitamin B6 and fiber, they are great can increase your energy. Try them before or after a workout as a snack. Want to start your day off with more energy? Have a banana.
  • Kale: This green often gets a bad rap, but it contains nutrients that will give you a little energy boost. It contains the amino acid L-tyrosine along with fiber and antioxidants. One aspect of kale is that it can help keep your blood sugar more stable. Don’t want to eat it raw? Chop it up and add to soups or pasta dishes.
  • Oatmeal: Another great way to start the day. High in fiber, oatmeal will provide lasting energy. The reason is that it takes a longer time to digest.

Breathing Exercises to Increase Your Energy

Breathing is an important bodily function. Did you know that conscious breathing exercises can improve your mind and body while boosting your energy levels?

Here are some mindful breathing exercises you can use to re-energize, re-focus, and reconnect you.

Deep Breathing Exercise: This is something you can practice throughout the day. It will help you to relieve stress and allow you to relax.

You can stand or sit for this exercise. Place your tongue so that it touches the roof of your mouth.

Next, take a deep breath. You will want to inhale through the nose.

Next, count to six, and while holding your breath, count to three. Then you will exhale through the mount for a count of six.

Repeat this exercise for seven to twelve cycles.

Bellows Breathing Exercise: This is another exercise that will help to relax and calm the mind.

This exercise is done while sitting. Make sure your back is straight and your mouth is closed. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

You will rapidly breathe through your nose for twelve breaths while ending with a long, deep inhale and exhale.

Take a rest at the end of the first twelve breaths and then repeat the process again seven times.

Alternate Nostril Breathing: If you have ever done yoga, you probably know this breathing exercise.

There are a lot of advantages, health-wise, for doing this breathing exercise. It can help to alleviate depression, lower blood pressure, and reduce mood swings.

Sitting in a chair with a straight back, close your mouth and touch your tongue to the roof of the mouth.

Tale your right index finger and push it into the right nostril. Then deeply inhale through your left nostril. Count to six, and then hold your breath for a count of three.

Repeat the process on the left side of your nose using your left-hand finger. You will need to repeat the process for three to five minutes.

Just make sure to alternate your breathing through each side of your nose.

Breathing Technique to Ease Anxiety Video:

Final Thoughts:

It is no fun trying to get stuff done during the day when all you want to do is go back to bed.

The information listed in this post could help you to increase your energy levels and get more done each day.

There could be a number of things in your life that are robbing your energy.

However, you don’t have to continue suffering from low energy. With a few simple techniques, you could eliminate your exhaustion.

Start by drinking more water, getting a little exercise each day, and eating a well-balanced diet.

Pretty soon you will notice that more energy than you knew was possible.

increase your energy