Ways to Maximize Your Immunity

Are you aware that your immune system can affect your longevity? Since this is the case, it is important to find ways to maximize your immunity so that you can live a healthy and active life.

Originally scientists thought that the mind and body didn’t communicate with one another. That they in fact didn’t influence each other. We know today that this isn’t true.

In fact, our stress levels and our general mental state will have a profound effect on how efficiently our immune system works.

The truth is that the immune system just doesn’t have to deal with simple illnesses like a cold. It in fact has to deal with all sorts of attacks on the body.

This includes dealing with cancerous cells, inflammation, and many different diseases.

People who have a compromised immune system such as seniors can die from the flu or pneumonia.

How to Maximize Your Immunity

Cortisol and Your Immune System: Cortisol rises in the body during times of stress. In fact, our bodies see the increase in cortisol as an indicator of the flight or fight response.

As a result, the body limits certain body functions including the immune system.

If you are dealing with chronic or prolonged stress, your immune system will always be in a compromised state. The result is that you are going to get sick.

Social Relations: It is important to understand that interactions with people can lower our stress hormones. As a result, our immune system gets a boost.

The effect will actually last for several hours so get out and enjoy your time with the people in your life.

Finding Ways to Relax: It is important to find relaxing activities. This could include listening to relaxing music or even getting a massage.

Maybe your like knitting or another hobby. All these activities can have a positive impact on how the immune system functions.

One way to find something you like doing is to make a list of relaxing activities. Each day pick something from the list and enjoy! You might alsoMaximize Your Immunity like to find something relaxing to do while commuting to work.

Risking Immune-Based Diseases: Stress is responsible for increasing the risk of developing some immune-based diseases.

These diseases include lupus, asthma, and even eczema and psoriasis.

Laughter is Still the Best Medicine: Much research has been done that laughter is a great stress reliever. Pick some shows and movies that make you laugh and watch at least one every day! What a great way to maximize your immunity!

Read jokes online or from a book during breaks at work or on the bus or train going and coming from work. Try to find some time to spend with people who make you laugh.

There are so many positive benefits from having laughter in your life.

Speaking of laughter, here’s my new favorite meme!

Practice Gratitude Regularly:  Another way to relieve some stress is to look at all the things in your life that you are grateful to have.

Not only will this boost your mood you will boost your immune system.

The stronger the immune system, the more able it will be to fight disease.

Find a journal and spend some time each writing down from three to five things that you are grateful for.

You just might be surprised at the difference it will make in your life.

Affirmations: This is such an easy thing to do. Take some time each day and practice saying some positive affirmations.

Not only will this boost your mood, but it will also help relieve some of the stress you have in your life.

The more stress you have, the more affirmations you should be doing.

Take some time to write out some positive affirmations that mean something to you.

If you aren’t sure what affirmations to use, here is a document that might help: My Body Does Wonderful Things!

Maximize Your ImmunitySetting Goals for Success: It is important that we strive for something in our lives. It gives us a sense of purpose. Goals are the way to success.

You don’t have to write big goals. Setting small ones that are achievable will give you a sense of accomplishment when you actually reach the goal.

You will be happier with your successes and your immune system will get the reward.

Be Patient: This is another important consideration. When we are impatient we create more stress. Time will pass no matter how you spend your days.

Be patient! Stay calm! Again, your immune system will work so much better when you do.

Be Happy: Not just a song, but a way to live our lives as being sad robs us of the joy we have in our lives. Again, it just brings more stress when we are not happy.

And, again, our immune system gets compromised.

There are so many things we can do to be happy. Work on your favorite hobby. Spend time with a great friend. Sit in the park and watch the kids play. Whatever makes you happy!

Happy Pharrell Williams Video:

The Many Ways to Maximize Your Immunity

When it comes to the immune system, it has an important job to do. It has to fight off the myriad of germs, environmental toxins, bacterias, and other threats.

So given all the work, this system has to do, don’t you think it would be a good idea to help it out just a bit?

There are a number of different factors that will boost the immune system. Some of those factors might even surprise you a bit.

Now it is true that a healthy, well-balanced diet and regular exercise are an important part of the equation, but these are only two ways to boost the immune system’s healing powers.

Immune Boosters You Can Perform at Home

Have a Drink: Yes, we do mean alcohol. However, it needs to be taken in moderation. The ideal is two drinks a day if you are a man, and unfortunately only one drink if you are a woman.

Maximize Your ImmunityStudies have shown that there is value in being a moderate drinker. However, too much of a good thing will only compromise the immune system.

Exercise: Again, exercise in moderation. If you are involved in some form of exercise daily that strengthens the body, you will help to boost the immune system.

However, if you overdo the amount of exercise, you end up getting weaker. It is also important to make sure you get adequate sleep.

Get Some Sun: Spending a little bit of time in the sun on a regular basis helps increase the amount of vitamin D we need for healing our bodies. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

Cut Down on the Amount of Noise: Too much noise can be stressful, and as we know, stress doesn’t maximize your immunity.

If you like to listen to music or podcasts, try using your earbuds to block out other noises. You will be less stressed out!

Maximize Your ImmunityEat Probiotics: This is an interesting one. It seems that foods that contain probiotics have been associated with lowering gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.

Have some yogurt to start your day or even have some soft cheese with sourdough bread for a snack.

Have a Cup of Tea: Maybe the British people are onto something. Tea is full of phytochemicals and other compounds that boost the immune system.

Be Positive: One of the best defenses against getting sick is to have a positive outlook on life. A cheerful attitude can go a long way to making sure you stay healthy.

Ask Your Doctor About Immunity Boosters

Make sure you talk to your doctor about any health concerns you might have. You might also want to talk to them about ways to make sure you are up to date on shots if you are going to do any traveling.

Get your annual exam and talk to your doctor about your family history.

Although you are stuck with the genes you inherited, you can still stay healthy if you take care of your immune system.

If you are at risk for any inherited weakness, you can stay ahead of any problem with regular discussions with the doctor.

Make Your Immune System Bulletproof Now Video:

Final Thoughts:

In order to stay healthy, never underestimate the impact your mindset can have on your immune system.

Keeping an open and optimistic attitude while having some fun will keep you in good stead when it comes to your health.

Certainly, there have been a number of studies in recent years that show there is an impact of psychology on your physical body.

When you maximize your immunity, you can protect yourself and your health.

When you live a healthy lifestyle, work with your medical care provider, and stay happy and productive, you can boost your immune system.