Using Anticipation to How to Harness the Power of Tomorrow Today

anticipationFind out the power of anticipation by giving yourself something to look forward to.

If you had something great coming up, would it make your bad day, week, or month better?

If you’ve ever been in that position, you know how helpful it is to have something exciting coming up.

Life can be hard sometimes, but looking forward to something good can make you happy.

It’s easy to use the power of expectation, which is good news. You can get it anytime, and it doesn’t cost anything.

It will make you feel better and help you do better.

Learn How to Use Anticipation by Following These Steps:

1. Use excitement to push yourself to reach your goals. If you use expectations in a good way, it will be easier to reach your goals. Let’s say your goal is to lose 25 pounds. You might think about how great you’ll look or all the praise you’ll get.

But if you think about how hungry you’ll be, it will be harder to stick to your plan.

Anticipation will also help you get past problems and keep going until you reach your goal.

2. Just thinking about doing something you enjoy makes you feel better. It’s been shown that having something to look forward to makes you feel better. You probably already knew this, though.

It makes you feel good when you’re looking forward to something, like a package you want in the mail, a date on Saturday night, a bonus at work, or a trip to Cancun!

3. Every day, give yourself something to look forward to. In the short and long run, give yourself a lot to look forward to. Here are some examples.

  • Every day, take your dog for a walk. Have a cup of the coffee you like. When you get home, shut the world out. Have lunch at your favorite spot.
  • Every week, dinner with friends. Getting more sleep on Saturday. Going to watch baseball. Getting a new book.
  • Every month, a weekend trip out of town. Getting a treat for yourself.
  • Every year: At the end of the year, you might want to buy a new car, go on a big trip, or buy a house.anticipation

4. Think about the other option. What would you do if you had nothing planned? What if your life was so hopeless that you didn’t feel like you had anything to look forward to? It would definitely be hard to live that way.

No matter how bad things look in your life, make sure you have something fun planned for the future that will make you smile.

5. Keep a few things you really like in your kitchen.  Are you having a bad day? You can excitedly anticipate your favorite candy bar, a bottle of beer, a glass of wine, or a frozen treat.

Having your best foods or drinks on hand at all times is an easy way to improve your day.

The Power of Anticipation!

Do you remember Christmas from when you were a kid? You were eager to escape school with only a few weeks left in the term.

You were able to keep going because you knew Christmas was coming up soon.

The summer break was the same. It made you feel great to think about all the fun things you were going to do this summer.

Our plans aren’t as full of fun things as they were when we were kids. For ourselves to have things to look forward to, we need to do them.

Make plans for tomorrow that you can look forward to today.

Sometimes, all you need to do is watch your favorite movie with your dog on the couch after work. Being excited about something can make your life better.
