Be The Source Of Your Hope

There are a couple of things people need for survival. When it comes to what people need, hope is necessary as oxygen, food, shelter, and water. This is why finding the source of your hope is necessary to living your best life.

You may be wondering why hope is that important, why it is sometimes ranked higher than happiness.

If you are, try and imagine a hopeless person. Hopelessness is one of the most draining and life-threatening phases one can ever go through.

You can lose it all, fail in everything you try, feel worthless and unloved, or make the worst mistake of your life. However, if you are hopeful, you are still able to forgive yourself.

You are even able to walk with your head above your shoulders knowing that you are going to be fine.

Hope makes us resilient. It motivates us to tackle and overcome obstacles.

We get the power to keep going even when all odds are seemingly against us. Hope also plays a critical role in helping us heal from difficult events of the past.

Source Of Your HopeWhen we have hope, we are also willing to learn from adversities. In fact, hope works when we are at our lowest.

Sometimes when things are going well we wonder if they will not change.

To avoid spoiling everything by wondering about what is not there yet, we can hope that things keep improving.

Moreover, having hope promotes the positivity that encourages us to believe in ourselves and self-improve.

Take note: hope for a better tomorrow gives us the strength to go forward. Hope for a better version of yourself helps us forgive ourselves for our mistakes and failures.

As well, hope that things will be fixed and improved motivates you and keeps you from giving up.

Equally important as hope itself is its source. Is it easily accessible? Is it dependable?

The greatest source of hope for human beings is often something greater than us.

However, that does not work independently of the one in need of that hope.

There has to be something inside the person that initiates the connection to that something or someone greater and, the connection has to be accessible mainly without mediation.

That is how one becomes a source of their hope; initiating the steps to finding hope when there is a need or being able to search deep within to arouse the feeling of hope.

Why You Need To Be The Source Of Your Hope

Things do get tough sometimes and we feel like giving up. If we do not get help early enough we could lose it all, our minds included.

Most people get into depression because they feel they do not have a way out. They feel hopeless.

Let’s face it, you are not always lucky enough to get the comfort or help you need every time you consult people when things are not well.

Sometimes people do not understand what you are going through.

Some may feel you are being a cry baby or twist your story and make it about themselves.

Besides, everyone else genuinely has their own problems and may not be mentally ready to help you with your issues.

To add to that, there are private things that you cannot share with others or choices they may not understand why and how you are making them.

Thus, a shoulder to cry on may not always be a great idea and people may not always be available for it.

Therefore, one of the greatest gifts you can get yourself is learning to have inner strength. Be strong, for yourself.

Hope goes hand in hand with attitude. When you harbor negativity more, it will be harder for you to find hope which makes you susceptible to failure and bad influence.

On the same hand, lacking inner strength and the ability to rise and remain standing on your own also makes you vulnerable to pressure as well as ill advice from others.

How to Find Hope

Believe or understand that no matter how dark it gets, the morning is coming.

The fall of many is caused by the fact that when they face challenges they give in to the feeling that things will never get better and their lives will forever be in darkness.

source of your hopeThis is often fueled by bringing back bad memories from the past.

Remind yourself that you are responsible for how your life will turn out.

You can spend time worrying and slow down your progress but the fact remains; your tomorrow depends on what you do today.

Some most common reasons for losing hope are perceiving that something is too much for you to handle and defeats.

You need to understand that every time you stand up and dust up you either get closer to a solution or jump straight to it.

You could be just a step or two away from where you’ve kept yourself a prisoner to your failures and disappointments.

How Hope Can Change Your Life Video:

Final Thoughts:

Remember that you have struggled and won before. You have probably faced challenges before or know someone who has.

Also, remember the source of your hope comes from having survived situations you thought were the end of you, and remind yourself this too shall pass.

source of your hope