The Upsides to Aging For Women

Do you think there are any upsides to aging for women? Well, let’s take a look and see what could be so great about getting older!

Now, some women are going to see that getting older is not a lot of fun. It seems that for the most part women are told that getting older means they are losing out on life.

There are enough articles around talking about all the things that are wrong with getting older as a woman.

However, there are all sorts of upsides to getting older. As we get older, we have the luxury of being able to do what we want to do.

We didn’t have that choice as young women.

Our younger selves were concerned with working to make money, to raise kids, to take care of the home, and a plethora of other tasks.

Now, getting older is not some magical journey. There are some good times though that we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy as a younger person.

Here is a list of six things that you can look forward to when it comes to aging for women?

No More Monthly Periods!

Upsides to Aging For WomenSince we were in our early teens this has been something we had to face each and every month.

Most women had to deal with crazy moods, being irritable, and bloated. Not fun.

By the time women get into their late forties, we start to encounter that lovely phase called menopause.

Some women sail through this period without too much of a problem. Others find that they are even more miserable.

However, the upside is that sooner or later you don’t have to deal with that monthly visit anymore.

You no longer have to plan your life around your period. And none of us are going to miss the discomfort or pain that it could bring.

Screw the Fashion Police – I’ll Wear What I Want!

At a certain age, most women decide that they are going to dress for comfort or for their own pleasure.

There are a few reasons why women decide what they are going to wear rather than what they should wear.

The reasons vary, but here are some to consider:

  • We learn what works for our body, what makes us feel great, and what flatters the body we have.
  • We don’t really care about what people think. One of the upsides for aging women is that we have confidence in ourselves.
  • For the most part, people don’t scrutinize older women so much. As well other people seem to respect our choices.

You Can Seek Your Passions

If you were a wife and mother with a full-time job, you probably didn’t have enough time to follow your passions.

So, once you reach an age without those responsibilities, you are going to want to seek out something that feeds your passions.

Women seem to sacrifice themselves for family and work so there is little time for anything else.

As an older woman, you probably have more time on your hands. The kids have left the nest, you don’t have a messy home or loads of laundry anymore.

You may also have retired so you no longer have the hassle of nine to five.

Now is the time to pursue some passions. To go after some dreams you might have put aside.

Perhaps you have a book you have always wanted to write or a business you want to start. Perhaps you want to go back to school and get a degree. Or climb a mountain.

Whatever it is, the choices you now have are endless. So, why not go for it!

You Have Higher Self-Esteem

Upsides to Aging For WomenIsn’t it amazing that as we get older, we feel better about ourselves and care less about what other people think?

I have this mantra: if you don’t pay my bills, you don’t get a say in my life!

This is the mindset that every woman needs.

More Time for Sex

While it may be true that hormone levels drop as women get older, that may not affect the sex drive.

If you are having trouble in this area it is possible to get a hormone replacement prescription from your doctor.

The result is more estrogen that can improve the quality of your sex life.

Since your time is not taken up as much with kids and housework, now is the time to enjoy your partner.

You Get Smarter

Yes, as we age we do get smarter. It seems that the neuronal connections in the brain are strengthened.

In fact, the two sides of the brain become more synergistic, and you get the ability to better retain memories.

Older Woman Embrace Your Empowerment

So you just hit the big fifty, that is quite an accomplishment!

The years to come can start a new chapter that could be filled with more joy and all that life has to offer you. All you have to do is go after it.

Unfortunately, too many women surrender themselves to a life of settling after reaching this age.

But why should you? You have spent your younger years raising kids, paying the bills, and working that nine to five loop.

So shouldn’t it be time to have some crazy fun?

There are, after all, upsides to aging for women. So what can you do to celebrate where you are in life?

Time for a Vacation You Always Wanted

As a younger woman, you probably had way too much on your plate.

From keeping your home clean to taking care of your family to taking care of your relationship with a husband.

There were probably all sorts of other tasks along the way.

The result is that fun and travel took a back seat.

Upsides to Aging For WomenYou might have resented having to do all that, you might also have figured that your time would come.

Well, come it has!

Always wanted to travel to France or Italy?

How about a cruise around the world? The world is your oyster after all!

What to Do for Fun!

Hobbies often get overlooked when we have too many other things to take care of. Maybe they are set aside for another day.

Maybe you always wanted to learn to paint or play the piano. Now is your time.

Become A Mentor

Did you know that many of the best educators around are women over the age of fifty? They are able to possess a unique mix of knowledge and understanding.

Sometimes sharing your knowledge alone is not enough; it takes a special touch.

Do you relate to people, easily, especially young people? If you find them constantly seeking you out for wisdom, this may be something you were meant to do!

Get More Exercise!

If you are someone who hasn’t been in a gym for ages, brace yourself. The first few sessions might be a little grueling.

However, exercise becomes more important as we age.

Since estrogen levels are typically much lower as we age we need to pay keen attention to heart health and maintaining good bone mass.

Just because we need exercise to stay healthy doesn’t mean we can’t make exercise fun.

You could try a dance-style aerobic workout (such as Zumba) if that’s your thing, or how about tennis, or even better swimming.

A Happiness Expert’s Guide To Aging Gracefully Video:

Final Thoughts:

The years following your filthiest birthday should be nothing short of amazing.

These are the years you should be able to do what you want to do! Just be sure to add in some exercise and healthy eating choices for good measure.

So in truth, there are upsides to aging for women. The world is now officially your oyster!

upsides to aging for women