Quit Smoking for Improved Mental Health

quit smokingYou might be surprised to learn that it is a good idea to quit smoking for improved mental health.

We know that quitting smoking can help lower a person’s chance of developing various ailments.

A recent analysis of research conducted to date came to the conclusion that quitting the tobacco habit is beneficial to one’s emotional and mental well-being.

To be more specific, the research revealed that there was a reduced risk of developing anxiety and depression by 24% and that there was a reduced risk of developing anxiety alone by 44%.

These positive effects on one’s mental state constitute yet another persuasive argument against continuing to smoke. Learn more about the ways that smoking can affect your brain, as well as some helpful suggestions for giving up the habit.

The Impact That Smoking Has On Your Mental Wellbeing

Adults diagnosed with a mental condition are anywhere from two to four times more likely to be smokers.

It’s possible that for some people, it’s a form of self-medication.

Nicotine can potentially improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed.

On the other hand, the benefits don’t last long, and, in most cases, they leave you feeling worse than before you started taking them.

Consider the Following Information:

1. Quit Smoking to Help Treat Depressionquit smoking

Nicotine causes your brain to produce less of the chemical commonly referred to as the “happiness hormone,” even though it does momentarily increase dopamine levels.

According to some studies, quitting smoking can be just as successful in treating depression as taking antidepressants.

2. Quit Smoking to Help Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are both increased when one smokes. Locate healthier coping mechanisms for managing your stress.

Maintain a regular exercise routine and work on developing everyday practices that promote relaxation.

3. Maintain Your Social Contacts

Are you apprehensive about the impact that giving up smoking will have on the relationships in your life?

There is a good chance that your family, friends, and colleagues will like you even more once they are not exposed to secondhand smoke.

How to Give Up Nicotine for Better Mental Health

When you’re dealing with mental health problems or living a stressful lifestyle, it can make it more challenging to kick the habit of smoking.

You still have a chance of being successful if you put in the effort and prepare ahead.

quit smoking

Consider Quitting Smoking with the Following Strategies:

1. Take into Consideration Your Past

Adults who suffer from depression have a greater propensity to smoke cigarettes for a longer period of time than the typical user.

This element will need to be incorporated into the treatment strategy you choose to follow.

2. Attend to the Indications of Withdrawal

Depression and other mental health disorders make people more prone to developing an addiction.

While you are weaning yourself off of nicotine, you should be prepared to experience withdrawal symptoms such as migraines, nausea, and irritability.

3. Give NRT a shot

There is little risk of adverse interactions between antidepressants and other frequently prescribed drugs when using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

The first few weeks of quitting smoking can be challenging, but nicotine gum and patches can help ease the withdrawal symptoms.

4. Keep an Eye on Your Prescriptions

Have a discussion about your intentions to quit smoking with your primary care physician.

After you’ve given up smoking, your doctor may be able to reduce the number of medications you take.

5. Learn to Master Your Urges to Snack

What about the problem of gaining weight?

As a result of nicotine’s ability to suppress appetite, you may find that you snack more frequently.

The reason is that people are attempting to fill the void left by their empty hands.

Drinking water and eating foods high in fiber will help you feel full while consuming fewer calories.

As a result, it will be easier to avoid gaining unwanted weight.

6. Give Therapy Some Thought

The problems remain unresolved despite the fact that smoking provided you with temporary relief whenever you were feeling anxious or depressed.

Talk therapy may be able to assist you in the long run in creating a happier and more fulfilling life for yourself.

7. Seek Assistance

Talking with other people who have had similar experiences and objectives as you can be beneficial as well.

You can obtain more information about support groups and other resources available in your area by contacting the health department or hospitals in your region.

8. Be Prepared for Future Relapses

Most people who have successfully kicked the habit of smoking did so after a number of failed attempts.

You should congratulate yourself on taking the first step on the journey, and then continue to try different approaches until you discover one that is successful for you.

The Many Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking!

Quitting smoking is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health in general.

The positive effects on your body begin to manifest themselves within a few weeks or even earlier in some cases.

When you quit smoking, you won’t just be safeguarding your heart and lungs, but also your brain and other vital organs as well.

quit smoking