Total Mental Resilience in the Face of Adversity

In the last post, Frequent Barriers To Building Resilience, we described how to go about building resilience so that we can overcome any challenge. Today we are going to wrap up our discussion on total mental resilience and how we can cope and remain unbeatable in the face of adversity.

We will end our discussion on adversity on a high note by talking about how we can stay strong.

You might have read these articles because you felt your life was collapsing around you.

However, it is still possible for you to build success after dealing with adversity.

The information below is designed to help you recover from setbacks. You can still move forward and create something wonderful in your life.

Be Appreciative

Most people will have no idea what you have had to deal with in your life. It is possible that your situation was pretty bad and even left you heartbroken.

Perhaps you are still trying to recover, and you want to be able to see your situation from a different perspective.

Total Mental ResilienceYou just need to choose to be appreciative of the life you have and that you still have a chance to have a different outcome.

Maybe you made a bad decision, and as a result, you lost a lot of money. Nevertheless, you still have lots to be grateful for in your life.

Perhaps you have a great marriage and wonderful children. People who love and care for you.

Losing a lot of money is one thing. Losing people you love is a completely different type of pain.

Today is a good day to be grateful. It is a chance to take a look at all the things in your life worth celebrating.

Take out your journal and write down all the things you are grateful to have and remind yourself of the beauty in your life.

Take a walk in nature by going to places you love. Visit the beach. Take a walk on a trail in the woods.

Use this time to appreciate the little things in life.

This is a great way to take a breath and stay in the moment as you take some time to get beyond the setback.

Surrender Is A Decision: Don’t Take It!

It is important to remember to not make the declaration that you don’t have a choice. This is simply not true because you will always have a choice.

Sometimes that choice is one you might not want to make, but you can still make the choice.

You are never going to be mentally strong if you don’t leave yourself open to the challenges and circumstances that might surround you.

As stated in another post, there are people, well-known people who have faced some pretty tough challenges and still succeeded in their efforts.

Surrendering to a choice should never be looked upon as an option.

In fact, if you want total mental resilience it is going to be in those periods in your life when you feel cornered that will give you the best opportunities to succeed by refusing to give up.

You might want to look into reading some biographies of people who have faced tough situations and take some hope from how they were able to overcome challenges.

You Don’t Have Anything To Lose Again

Certainly, none of us likes to fail. However, failure can be rewarding in many different ways.

In fact, it can be good for our mental health for many reasons. Do you want to know how?

It is important to realize that if you have never failed, you are going to be under considerable pressure to not make any mistakes.

total mental resilienceThat is simply not possible. If you think that life is not going to involve making mistakes, you are going to be sadly disappointed.

It is important to realize that when something does go wrong and you are able to accept that reality, you will have to deal with a lot less anxiety.

This gives you the perfect opportunity to take a chance without any unnecessary pressure.

You will be able to stay calm because you don’t have anything to prove to yourself or anyone else for that matter.

You get to simply do whatever you need to do to become the best version of yourself.

When you do fail, you won’t have to worry about what other people might think.

Making Some New Friends

Friends are important in our lives. They are the ones that cheer us on or are there to commiserate when things don’t go so well.

upsides to aging for womenThere are days when we really need our friends. Those days when we are challenged, and we need a hug, friends make a difference.

If you have friends that aren’t there for you on your down days, why would you keep them in your life? You deserve better friends.

Make sure the people around you are supportive, and if they are not, maybe it is time to find some new friends.

Find people who have lots of positive energy and can help pick you up when you stumble.

It is also helpful if you have someone in your life who can relate to your situation. They can encourage you and even give you some help in resolving issues.

These are the kinds of people you want in your life for the good days and the bad days.

Don’t be the kind of friend who is only there for the good times.

Share your stumbles with friends who are going to be there for you and who you are going to be there for as well.

Taking a Step Back In Order To Run Forward

It is true that we all love it when people have kind things to say about us. In fact, it is one of the reasons we post selfies on social media.

Total Mental ResilienceSure we want people to gush over how wonderful, brilliant, and beautiful we are. It is natural to want people to like us.

However, it becomes a serious concern when those comments mean more to you than anything else.

It can make it a lot harder for us to recover from a setback as we can’t imagine people finding fault in us.

They fear that they won’t be in the spotlight and are seen as less than capable.

It is actually important to take a break and look at the mistake or challenge so that you can come up with a new approach.

This new approach is going to be particularly important, especially after a major setback.

There is no reason why you should put yourself under pressure to continue. In fact, it is best to take some time so that you can analyze the situation.

You need to identify the areas where you made mistakes. You need to stop and think about how you could have done things differently.

Once you have made these discoveries, you will be better able to start again. You may not make the same mistakes, but you will for sure learn lessons.

Always Believe In Yourself

The journey back from a setback and on your way to total mental resilience starts with you being able to forgive yourself for making mistakes.

Well, it is impossible to undo what has happened, you can still move forward.

In fact, your best move is to let it go, move on, and make the best out of your life.

The act of forgiving yourself will help you to make yourself believe in yourself and your abilities again.

You are never going to be able to succeed in any endeavor in your life if you don’t have self-confidence.

Yes, it is natural that thoughts of your past failures will come up from time to time.

You should never let your failures limit you. It will be much easier if you start by doing things you feel confident doing.

In fact, try to leverage your strengths. This will result in you being able to build your self-esteem.

This way you can ensure that you won’t stumble again and in fact will make it safer to take more risks.

Mental Toughness Is The Secret To Success Video:

Final Thoughts:

Total mental resilience is a fundamental ingredient when it comes to what is missing in your life for you to be able to achieve your goals.

Life is never going to give you what you want just because you want it. You must be determined to reach your goals and never, never give up.

Yes, you are going to experience challenges along the way. However, if you see those challenges as stepping stones to your success, you will do your best.

Otherwise, you are going to have to get used to the stress and anxiety that comes from making mistakes.

It is important to remember that life isn’t about how many times we fail. It is about how many times we pick ourselves up and try again.

There is an old Japanese proverb that says: fall down seven times, get up eight!

The proverb is telling us to never give up hope and to always strive towards our goals, no matter what!

Even great achievers have had obstacles get in their way. Did they let those obstacles stop them? No, they did not.

They defied the odds, faced their fears, found a way around the challenge, and became successful.

You too can do the same in your life. You can choose to be a stronger, more resilient person.

Your success will not happen if you give up. If you choose to quit you will never know what could have been for you.

Take charge of your life and get through the challenges so that you find out what total mental resilience looks like on your way to success!

total mental resilience