Improve Your Life with 30-Day Challenges

30-Day ChallengesYou can make significant changes in your life with 30-day challenges, but it might not be easy. Even though this adventure is often challenging, the payoffs can be huge.

Want to make a significant change in your life?

Have you ever taken on a challenge for 30 days? You might have tried a diet or a set of exercises. You might have decided that you wouldn’t watch TV for 30 days.

Even if you didn’t stick with the plan, didn’t you get some results? Think about how you could use that idea in other parts of your life.

In this program, you must do many 30-day challenges all at once. You can use any of these ideas or think of your own.

Make each area a 30-day challenge and see where your new adventures lead.

1. Change Your Money Situation. An excellent way of making more money or spending less money.

You could also try to keep your accounts balanced every day.

2. Take Better Care Of Your Body. You can start with diet, exercise, or a combination of the two.

You could start with something as simple as watching a 20-minute yoga show on TV every morning or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.

Go swimming, paddling, or kayaking on the lake to get outside.

3. Get Rid of Time Wasters. Think about how much time you waste watching TV, surfing the web, window shopping, playing video games, or just hanging out on Facebook.

We all know what we do when we are bored or don’t want to deal with problems in life.

30-Day ChallengesTry getting rid of just one and see how much time you get back.

4. Add Something to Your Life. Make something better to do with your time than the time waster you’re giving up.

Maybe you should do some reading or go to a class.

Maybe you’ll learn to play a musical instrument with all of your new free time.

5. Give Your Word to Something Important. Maybe a good habit for you would be only to check your email three times a week or to go to bed every night by 11 p.m.

Tips for Making 30-Day Challenges Work

Now that you’ve thought about the changes you want to make, how will you keep them?

Think about the following ideas:

1. Get Enough Sleep. Setting a goal to give up two or even one hours of sleep per night will make everything else harder.

No matter how much time you want to save, give yourself the 7-8 hours of sleep you need each night.

2. Set Some Goals For Yourself. You should be able to reach these goals every single day, seven days a week.

Most of the time, it’s much harder to form a new habit when you only do something three times a week. Try to keep any new things you do to things you can do every day.

3. Make Plans Before Getting Started. Get everything ready and eliminate anything that might get in the way.

For example, if you’re trying to stick to a diet, buy the foods you’ll need ahead of time and eliminate the foods you want to avoid.

If you don’t have any chips at home, you can’t eat that bag of chips.

4. Think About Support From Others. Tell your family and friends about your goals so that they can help you reach them.

Be careful about who you tell things to. Changing is a hard thing to do on its own.

When people say bad things about you, success is more challenging.

20 Self-Improvement 30-Day Challenges Video:

Making One Change can Lead to Other Changes

If you try to change many parts of your life at once, you may need to make more changes, depending on your goals.

All of our actions tend to affect each other, which makes it hard to change any of them.

For example, if you stop watching TV and eating junk food, which are your main ways to deal with life’s problems, you’ll have to find other ways to handle your bad feelings.

Even better, you may be able to face your worries head-on. You might have used distractions in the past to avoid dealing with the problems you were facing.

You can pick one part of your life or several areas and turn them into 30-day challenges.

Then you can get started. Don’t forget to plan.

If you can start doing a few new good things and stop doing a few bad things, your life will improve.

30-day challenges