How to Use Affirmations to Get What You Want

How to Use AffirmationsFirst of all what are affirmations? Have there been times in your life where you doubted yourself? Were you trying to achieve something and a voice in your head told you that you were not good enough? It is important to know how to use affirmations so that you can believe in yourself and your abilities.

There are a number of reasons for this happening. Many people heard negative statements about themselves when they were a child and this has left a negative impact.

We all have limiting beliefs. These are rooted in our subconscious mind. This holds us back in life.

If you failed to achieve something in the past then you probably have a limiting belief about that now.

For example, if you were learning to sing and you were laughed at by friends or family members you could now have a limiting belief.

You could believe that you can’t sing and you quit trying.

Affirmations Neutralize Negative Thoughts

How to Use AffirmationsImagine that you are really determined to learn to sing despite the negativity in your head from the limiting belief.

Everyone experiences negative thoughts and the best way to deal with them initially is to neutralize them.

So, if your negative thought is “I will never learn how to sing” you can neutralize this with “I am an excellent singer”.

It is all about positives and negatives. Affirmations are positive statements that you make about yourself repeatedly.

The reason that this works so well is that you are bombarding your subconscious mind with these messages.

Your Subconscious cannot Distinguish between Positive and Negative Thoughts

Your subconscious mind will choose different words when it hears them. If you say to yourself “I am a loser” then it will focus on the word “loser”.

Creating an affirmation like “I am not a loser” will not be effective because the use of the word “not” is in the negative and you focus on the word “loser”.

When you are writing your affirmations, you need to look for opposites. For the example above, the opposite of “loser” is “winner” so it is best to use this in your affirmation.

You could write an affirmation like “I am a winner”.

When your subconscious mind hears that you are a winner repeatedly it will start to question you being a loser.

After a period of time, the perception that you are a winner will replace the notion that you are a loser.

Affirmations Work

How to Use AffirmationsThere have been numerous studies into affirmations and they all revealed then when they were performed correctly there were positive changes in the individual.

The most important thing to note about this is performing them correctly.

You need to get your affirmations right when you create them and then you need to use them properly to get the best results.

It is not just a case of finding some affirmation examples online and then copying them and expecting them to work for you.

Many people think that affirmations are a waste of time. Their perception is that affirmations are just statements of hope and a wish list.

But this is not the case. Lots have people have transformed their lives using the power of affirmations.

Believe in Affirmations

How to Use AffirmationsIf you want to know how to use affirmations that work for you then you need to believe that they will work.

This belief needs to be unwavering.

You cannot go into affirmations in a half-hearted way and expect to see amazing results.

Total commitment is required to make affirmations work for you.

You need to be passionate when you are creating them and when you are reading them.

If you get it right affirmations certainly have the potential to change your life for the better.

How You Can Create Effective Affirmations

If you want to get the best results from your affirmations then you need to write them correctly. The words that you say to yourself are very powerful.

If you phrase them incorrectly then your subconscious mind can end up working against you rather than for you.

Something that makes sense to you may not make sense to your subconscious.

When we know how to use affirmations, we will be able to get the results in our life that we want. But first of all, we need to know how to be effective when writing affirmations.

It will take more time and effort to do this, but you need to take the longer-term view here.

Better to spend a bit more time getting it right than not seeing the results that you want down the road.

You Have Already Achieved What You Want

When you write your affirmations, you need to do so in the present tense. This means that the statements will read as if you have already achieved what you desire.

So, if you want to be more confident don’t write “I want to be more confident”. Instead, you need to write “I have become supremely confident”.

If you do not write your affirmations with this kind of certainty then you are just compiling a wish list.

Your subconscious will not respond as you want it to when presented with a wish list. You need to allow your subconscious to see the positive action you want to achieve.

By using affirmations that state that you have already gotten what you want you do not give your subconscious reasons to challenge this.

It is a done deal. You are supremely confident. The more that your subconscious hears this, the more it will take it on board and help you.

Make Your Affirmations Personal

There are two things to consider here. Your affirmations need to address specific weaknesses and flaws in your character that you have.

This is personal to you and will not be the same as other people. The second thing is that when you write your affirmations you need to use the first person “I”.

Never use “we” in an affirmation. This implies that other people are necessary for you to achieve the change that you desire.

It is imperative that you do not write vague affirmations. Everything needs to be crystal clear so that your subconscious mind can absorb your affirmations easily.

Using “I am” is recommended here. You can also use “I will” and “I have” if you want to. Here are some examples:

Do you see how powerful these are? They are direct and to the point as well. There is nothing vague here.

Include Powerful Emotions

A very effective way to supercharge the power of your affirmations is to add emotion to them.

Emotions have a very powerful effect on our lives so it makes sense to add these into your affirmations to make them stronger.

When you are writing each of your affirmations take the time out to imagine how you will feel when you have achieved it.

So, if you want to be supremely confident think about the feelings you will experience when you have this.

Use a strong feeling in your affirmation statement.

Keep it Short and Simple

Try to keep your affirmations as short as possible. if you want to create the best life it is important that you can easily remember the affirmations.

Don’t leave out any important details such as strong emotion, but look at a long affirmation and see how you can shorten it without losing any of the impacts.

Why You Need a Daily Affirmation Practice Video:

Finally Thoughts:

When it comes to affirmations, you just need to be clear about what you want and write them in the positive.

Also, when it comes to knowing how to use affirmations, it is important to visualize a positive outcome. This makes affirmations even more powerful!

How to Use Affirmations