How I Got More Efficient Working at Home

working at homeHaving the ability for working at home can offer a lot of flexibility while earning a paycheck. However, are you as efficient when you are working from home, and are you getting more done? That is an important question.

Do you find that stumbling out of bed in the morning to start your workday means no more commuting?

After having some breakfast, taking a shower, and getting dressed you should be ready to start your day. No more frustrating travel time to deal with! Don’t you like that?

Another benefit of working at home is that you will have more time to spend with your family or friends.

This is important especially if you are a parent. Being able to be at home with your kids especially if they are being homeschooled means spending quality time together.

Post-Covid it could also mean going to their afterschool activities or sports games.

Working at Home Challenges

There are of course unintended challenges when you work from home. It may be nice to be around the family, but are they interfering with your work?

Or are you letting them get in the way of you working?

If this is the case, perhaps you need to set up some boundaries for yourself and your family members. Having a dedicated workspace is probably the most vital part of setting a boundary.

When you have a separate workspace, this will let the family know that you can’t be interrupted unless there is an emergency.

You also need to let your friends know that they can’t drop by or phone you when you are working.

There are a lot more people working from home these days so it should be fairly simple to set this boundary with friends.

Managing Working at Home

You shouldn’t restrict yourself from taking breaks. Just like being at the office, you need to take coffee breaks and a lunch break.

Perhaps also setting up a schedule of the hours you work as if you were at the office.

If you normally started work at 9:00 am, and stopped work at 5:00 pm, then set it up that those are your work hours at home.

Working at Home is Different!

These days there is a lot of stress. Being that we are all living with a pandemic and life as we know it has changed drastically.

The workplace is not like it was before.

Your company probably wants more out of you when you work from home since they aren’t able to scrutinize your work behavior.

If you end up working more hours because your boss is putting too many demands on your time, you may need to have a painful conversation around this behavior.

Working at Home Offers Flexibility

working at homeWorking from home offers a lot of flexibility in your working life but it can also be challenging when you have to deal with family members.

Or perhaps you find the lure of taking a nap or watching a movie.

It is important to set up a plan of action for how you are going to handle your work life and your home life.

Once you have a plan in place you should find that you enjoy working at home and you might even be more productive as well.

Success Tips for Working at Home

Working at home can be very liberating but also can carry a tremendous amount of responsibility. Do you know whether or not you are if you need to modify how you work from home?

The following working-at-home tips may be able to help focus on your workload.

  • Don’t waste a lot of time watching your favorite television show when you should be working. It is easy to get distracted and before you know it the day is over!
  • As stated above, it is a good idea to make sure you have some rules about interacting with family or friends. This can be a time suck if you aren’t careful.
  • If your partner or spouse is home, make sure you have a plan set up for when you will do household tasks. Otherwise, you will end up not getting your work completed.
  • This is also true when you have children. It may be tempting to want to play with your children or the family pet, but again, set time aside during the day when you aren’t working for them.
  • Have a plan for your workday is important. A checklist for all that you want to complete that day is a great idea.
  • If you live alone you might want to consider checking in with a colleague during the day. It can get a bit lonely when you are working at home.

Top 10 Work from Home Productivity Tips Video:

Making an Income from Home!

Whether you have lost your job or you want to make some extra money, having the ability to make money from home can make a big difference in your life.

There are hundreds of great ways that you can make an online income and change your life.

There is everything from being able to take online surveys, selling items from your home, reviewing games, or selling on sites like Amazon.

The possibilities are endless and regardless of your age, background, or even location, making money from home is easier than ever before.

Let’s face it, you already have an internet connection!